Results matching “Bird”

Well it has been 18 months since I opened the Terminal City Barbell Club. I could lie and say it has been easy and everything has rolled along smoothly but I thought instead I would share a few hard-earned insights:
- Keep doing work. Do not wait for a "great idea". Digging into the mundane is where inspiration and better ideas will emerge. I have espoused this philosophy in the past when it comes to writing but it only struck me the other day that it equally applies to running my gym. And really, even without an inspired marketing campaign just getting something done ensures that "something" gets done.

- Be very clear on what you want to do and whom you want to train. You are not working for a globo-gym for a reason. Remember that reason. You've got to keep your heart in the work. Also, in this field, it seems like people appreciate a specialized environment. If you are highly-specialized, however, then make sure you have a big enough population base to survive or find a secondary income source. Take away point: pursue specialization but not over-specialization.

- Be open to the unexpected. I was very happy to have a women in her early-60s show up at my gym for her first session and pull out her weightlifting shoes. She was totally keen on the barbell lifts and she was prepared, without me even mentioning the right shoes for the job. What I am getting at, I think, is that despite knowing "who" you are reaching out to you will be surprised by remarkable individuals who do not fit the mould of an aspiring strength-athlete.

- Keep your expenses as low as humanly possible. Rent the smallest space that is practical. You might not need the Eleiko plates to start with. Or the really cool $40 collars (I bought two pairs). Buy the best bars you can afford though, and proper plates.

- Avoid going into debt. Mark Rippetoe and Steve Pulcinella have both written about how hard it is to make a decent living at this game. They are not bullshitting you. If making money is your priority then you might want to find another avenue for making it.

Quick reminder : this week we're discussing a common dilemma - should we stretch at all, when and how?

Is it something you feel you should be doing, but aren't exactly sure what it's all about?

Here's the perfect opportunity to find out what's what. Join John and I for Gymchat 175 - Stretching. Fantastic.

Stretching. We all feel as though we should do some, but we're not quite sure when. Or how.

How do you get started? Before or after your workout? Is it really worth the effort?

This week we're going to discuss the various ways to get your stretch on, when to do it and the benefits of doing so. Helping us explore this fascinating topic is none other than Great Weight Lifting's John Cammidge.

Join John and I for Gymchat 175 - Stretching. Fantastic.

Scott Bird. Artwork by Vince Palko.
Yes, I love the deadlift.
If you're just beginning your fitness journey, you know what it's like. There are a lot of questions.

Here are several resources we've seen - and recommended - over the years which will help you learn what to do, what to eat, which equipment to use, and where to go when you get stuck. In the form of ebooks, podcasts, video demonstrations, sites and newsletters.

And yes, they're all free.

Guides & eBooks

You can never learn too much. We've looked at an incredible number of free ebooks over the years, and these are a handful of my favourites. Enjoy.

Returning to Heavy Training After a Break

Returning to Heavy Training After a Break

Scott Andrew Bird and Vic Magary

No matter how long you've been away from the iron - months/years/decades - this free ebook will help you get back to it. To return to a regular routine, using the gear you've already got, and without getting injured.
Suspension Training 101

Suspension Training 101

Scott Andrew Bird and Derek 'D-Rock' Peruo

If you're entering the world of suspension training - whether you've been working out for years, or are just getting started - this free ebook is a must-have. Using the incredibly popular TRX Pro as an example, Derek 'D-Rock' Peruo explains how to set up and use this incredible tool; as well as providing sample exercises and routines.
10 Essential Conditioning Tools

10 Essential Conditioning Tools

Scott Andrew Bird and Kira Robert Clarke

Whether you're getting ready for a fight or just keen on looking after yourself, you'll be pleased to know that there are a number of conditioning tools out there. Here's a brief look at what's available, and where to get them.
14 Things You NEED for your First Strongman Contest

14 Things You NEED for your First Strongman Contest

Jedd 'Napalm' Johnson

Getting ready to compete in your first Strongman contest? Brilliant.
Freak Strength

Freak Strength

Zach Even-Esh

Ready to get obscenely strong? Here's how.
Grrl's Valentines Day Wishlist

Grrl's Valentines Day Wishlist

Kat 'The Mighty Kat' Ricker

What to buy a woman who loves training? Kat has a few ideas.
How to Paint a Kettlebell

How to Paint a Kettlebell

Scott Andrew Bird

A great way to customise your workout equipment.
Active Recovery Training

Active Recovery Training


No matter what sort of training you favour, there's no doubt that recovery can play a huge role. Here's a brief look at several forms of recovery work to make the experience both more effective and more enjoyable.
What Really Works

What Really Works

Josh Hewett

This is a superb overview of exactly what's involved in serious training. If you're ready to become stronger, faster and generally more capable; this is a great place to start.
1st Star Performance

1st Star Performance

Conor Doherty

Ready to shine? Conor'll put you on the right path with this simple routine for beginner athletes.

Video Demonstrations

When learning a new exercise, it can be incredibly valuable to watch it being performed by someone who clearly knows what they're doing. Accordingly, I've compiled the best 'how to' videos - covering a number of training approaches - over on my youtube channel.

You'll find them all here :

The Gymchats

The Gymchats with Josh Hewett. Talking about strength, every week.
These are weekly discussions looking at strength-training and nutrition from all angles. Featuring interviews with various fitness professionals, they're hosted by Personal Trainer & Strongman Josh Hewett. Well worth checking out.

We'll publish details of upcoming discussions in the newsletter. For the previous conversations, head over to :

Dive in.


I'm a big fan of constantly learning what's going on in the world of strength-training, and podcasts (both audio and video) are a perfect way to do that. They're also great for keeping up-to-date with various other interests - sports, photography and so on.

A couple I particularly enjoy :

Samovar Stories
These are interviews with a range of athletes, entrepreneurs and generally interesting people. If you're new to this podcast, I recommend starting with the Dean Karnazes interview. He's a fascinating guy.

TED Talks
As with the Samovar Stories interviews, TED Talks cover a wide range of subjects (TED stands for Technology, Entertainment & Design). The simplest way to get a feel for these - and to experience the variety of material, training-related and otherwise - is to dive in and watch a few talks. The short ones (typically 6 minutes or less) will give you a good idea.

Recommended Sites

There are several sites I read on a regular basis - blogs, forums and a cup of coffee. A great way to start the day.

A couple of my favourites are :

Mark's Daily Apple
If you're intrigued by the Paleo and Primal diets, you'll love this site. Mark's Daily Apple is the blog of Mark Sisson, the guy behind The Primal Blueprint. It's a brilliant read.

The Grip Authority
As many of you already know, I'm a huge fan of grip training. If you're like me, and keen to learn the skills necessary to master this extremely competitive game, head over to The Grip Authority. A wealth of instructional videos, articles and discussions to help you become obscenely strong.

Recommended Newsletters

Finally, newsletters. As with the abovementioned sites, these are perfect when paired with a few quiet minutes and a cup of coffee. Dive in, pick out the bits that look interesting, and soak it in. Beautiful.

Consider these :

Minute of Strength
Each newsletter contains a brief video demonstration of a kettlebell-related exercise, idea or piece of equipment. If you love a spot of kettlebell work (and if you do, you're certainly not alone), the Minute of Strength is highly recommended.

Serious About Muscle
The strength-training community is fantastic, and I've learnt more about training over the past decade than in all the years up to that point. Love it.

Wannabebig's Serious About Muscle is a perfect example of precisely why this is the case, combining the wisdom of the site's founders with the thoughts of a massive forum community. A great read.

Recommended Trainers

Dave Lemanczyk
As you might expect, at Straight to the Bar we work with a number of Personal Trainers and Strength Coaches. If you're ready to take your fitness and strength development up a notch, here are the people we recommend.

Good stuff.

Over to You.

Scott Andrew Bird.
Yep, that's me.
Of course, there's also the Strength & Fitness Newsletter itself - and you'll be receiving the next issue on Monday.

In the meantime, feel free to check out the Best of Straight to the Bar, and leave a comment on any articles you enjoy. Look forward to hearing from you.

When you're ready to transform yourself (whether you're just starting out or have been training for years), grab the Straight to the Bar Strength Kit - an ever-growing collection of free resources that will help you become faster, healthier and obscenely strong.

Here's what you'll find inside :

Suspension Training 101
Straight to the Bar Guides

Detailed explanations of various training methods such as Suspension Training and Strongman Work.
10 Essential Conditioning Tools
A Range of Free Ebooks

Looking at Conditioning Techniques, Grip Contests, Kettlebell Painting and a whole lot more.
Strength & Fitness Newsletter
The Weekly Strength & Fitness Newsletter

Highlights from Straight to the Bar, Training Tips, Unusual Exercises and Details of Upcoming Gymchats. Delivered free every Monday.

New free subscriber-only resources are being added to the Strength Kit all the time. Sign up below and get access forever.

Dude, I LOVE YOUR BLOG - thanks for showing your love of iron.

- Zach Even-Esh

No spam. No games. Just timely, insanely useful content to help you become stronger, healthier and faster. The Straight to the Bar Strength Kit.

According to our records, you're already subscribed.

Thanks once again for that, it's greatly appreciated. If you just want to download some of the free ebooks, no problem : there are links to all of them below.


Scott Bird. Artwork by Vince Palko.
Yes, I love the deadlift.
If you're just beginning your fitness journey, you know what it's like. There are a lot of questions.

Here are several resources we've seen - and recommended - over the years which will help you learn what to do, what to eat, which equipment to use, and where to go when you get stuck. In the form of ebooks, podcasts, video demonstrations, sites and newsletters.

And yes, they're all free.

Guides & eBooks

You can never learn too much. We've looked at an incredible number of free ebooks over the years, and these are a handful of my favourites. Enjoy.

Returning to Heavy Training After a Break

Returning to Heavy Training After a Break

Scott Andrew Bird and Vic Magary

No matter how long you've been away from the iron - months/years/decades - this free ebook will help you get back to it. To return to a regular routine, using the gear you've already got, and without getting injured.
Suspension Training 101

Suspension Training 101

Scott Andrew Bird and Derek 'D-Rock' Peruo

If you're entering the world of suspension training - whether you've been working out for years, or are just getting started - this free ebook is a must-have. Using the incredibly popular TRX Pro as an example, Derek 'D-Rock' Peruo explains how to set up and use this incredible tool; as well as providing sample exercises and routines.
10 Essential Conditioning Tools

10 Essential Conditioning Tools

Scott Andrew Bird and Kira Robert Clarke

Whether you're getting ready for a fight or just keen on looking after yourself, you'll be pleased to know that there are a number of conditioning tools out there. Here's a brief look at what's available, and where to get them.
14 Things You NEED for your First Strongman Contest

14 Things You NEED for your First Strongman Contest

Jedd 'Napalm' Johnson

Getting ready to compete in your first Strongman contest? Brilliant.
Freak Strength

Freak Strength

Zach Even-Esh

Ready to get obscenely strong? Here's how.
Grrl's Valentines Day Wishlist

Grrl's Valentines Day Wishlist

Kat 'The Mighty Kat' Ricker

What to buy a woman who loves training? Kat has a few ideas.
How to Paint a Kettlebell

How to Paint a Kettlebell

Scott Andrew Bird

A great way to customise your workout equipment.
Active Recovery Training

Active Recovery Training


No matter what sort of training you favour, there's no doubt that recovery can play a huge role. Here's a brief look at several forms of recovery work to make the experience both more effective and more enjoyable.
What Really Works

What Really Works

Josh Hewett

This is a superb overview of exactly what's involved in serious training. If you're ready to become stronger, faster and generally more capable; this is a great place to start.
1st Star Performance

1st Star Performance

Conor Doherty

Ready to shine? Conor'll put you on the right path with this simple routine for beginner athletes.
NB : thanks again for being part of the Straight to the Bar Tribe. If you're searching for something specific, or just want to say hello, the best place to contact me is on Google+. You'll find me at :



Monday, 25 Jun 2012 - Issues

This Week on Straight to the Bar

I'm constantly amazed at just how much my training is influenced by the people on this site. Whether you're looking for a new piece of equipment, an unusual exercise variation or just an idea of how others approach things, you'll enjoy these :

Over to you. I'd love to hear what you think : leave your comments on the above articles, and share them with your friends/colleagues/clients and so on.

NB : If you'd like to submit your own piece for Straight to the Bar, here's how.

Video : Club Swinging Introduction

This is a fantastic video.

Mark de Grasse pointed to this lecture by the incredible Richard 'Army' Maguire, held at Dan Inosanto's school in 2010. He outlines both the history and key benefits of a dose of club training; as well as demonstrating several basic techniques. Good stuff.

NB : it's certainly comprehensive, and runs a little over half an hour. If you've got a spare 30mins though, it's well worth watching. Love it.

Gymchat 175 - Stretching

Stretching. We all feel as though we should do some, but we're not quite sure when. Or how.

How do you get started? Before or after your workout? Is it really worth the effort?

This week we're going to discuss the various ways to get your stretch on, when to do it and the benefits of doing so. Helping us explore this fascinating topic is none other than Great Weight Lifting's John Cammidge.

Join John and I for Gymchat 175 - Stretching. Fantastic.

Details -

Who Great Weight Lifting's John Cammidge
Topic : Stretching
When : Wed Jun 27, 9pm EDT (here's how to find out when that is in your timezone)
How : Post a comment, question or reply
Where :

If you've never been to one of these discussions before, here's how to join in the fun. Simple, quick to set up and free.

For everyone who's joining us for their first Gymchat, welcome. Just dive right in, and ask John any stretching-related questions you like.

See you there.

Quick update on last week's gymchat : Thanks once again to everyone who took part in the discussion : Training Around Injuries. Some superb ideas in there.

For those who missed out on the conversation, here's the transcript. Was a great one.

Tip of the Week: Overhand Card Tearing

Each week we publish a number of tips and techniques via twitter, Google+, the forums, the blog; and now the newsletter. Wherever you are, there's always a way to improve what you're doing.

Tearing cards
Completed tear.
When it comes to the various feats of performing strongmen & women, one that frequently comes to mind is the tearing of a deck of cards. In the article Overhand Card Tearing, Bikes Cut the Correct Way, Adam explains the basic technique for doing exactly that :
  1. Hold it firmly
    Hold it firmly.
    Hold the deck firmly with your weak hand (right side shown for me) with the deck firmly and horizontal to the floor.
  2. Pinch the deck
    Pinch the deck.
    Pinch the deck with the strong hand with the thumb and index finger. It's the same grip you use to use a remote control.
  3. Pull towards your chest
    Pull towards your chest.
    Pull your strong hand (pinch side) towards your chest. The index finger splits the deck. You must pinch hard!
  4. Turn your weak hand towards the floor
    Turn your weak hand towards the floor.
    Continue to pull hand towards your chest, turn your weak hand towards the floor. The deck will rip - not twist - if you have a tight grip. The tear line will be clean.
  5. Separate the deck
    Separate the deck.
    Continue to pinch the deck hard and pull back towards your chest until you separate the deck. The line will be a clean cut right through the deck. With this method you can put the cut anywhere you want on the deck.
Tearing cards
Tearing cards.
It takes pain tolerance and hand strength with this method. Keep practicing. THERE IS NO TRICK. Rub some lip balm on your hands after you tear if the skin is raw.
I can now rip decks of bicycles in less than 3 seconds, and quarter them in a second with this grip. It makes you strong.

NB : it's certainly possible, but by no means easy. If you enjoyed doing that and would like to take it a step further, check out Jedd's superb Card Tearing eBook. Invaluable resource.

Checking Out : Techniques for Light Indian Club Swinging (DVD)

If you watched the 'Army' Maguire video above, no doubt you're keen to dive in and learn the essential skills behind these tools. No matter what their weight.

Although there are many instructional videos on clubs of all kinds, I'm particularly keen to check out Army's own DVD - Techniques for Light Indian Club Swinging. Looks superb.

Quick update on the superb Fixing Elbow Pain we mentioned recently. Suffice to say that if you've ever experienced conditions like Tennis Elbow or Golfer's Elbow, it's essential reading.

Love it.

Binoculars at Echo Point
Echo Point, Blue Mountains.

During the past week we've discussed a number of great links; on Google+, Twitter, the Forums and so on. Here are a few of my favourites.

Seated Plate Wrist Curls
Taking a seat on a chair and resting the elbows on the thighs is a great way to perform this incredible exercise.
One very well-known exercise to develop total lower arm strength and size (huge forearms with bursting veins) is the barbell wrist or forearm curl. This exercise can be overloaded to the point where your wrists will just not contract any longer. I have used this exercise in the past in various ways ranging from standing, sitting on an Olympic bench and even with a smith machine and each have provided me with excellent gains as well as an increased grip, benefiting me in real world applications. Well I have an even better exercise that even though along the same lines, will provide you with an increased grip development as well as less weight needed to receive added benefit.
The phrase I love to use is "bang for your buck!". I present you with the plate wrist curl; this amazing exercise increases the tension put on the thumb musculature which will not only increase the ability to pinch thin/ thick objects with ease, you will also be able to grab onto anything with authority!!!
Quick reminder : this week we're discussing a situation that we all face occasionally - should we keep training when we're injured? On what does the answer depend - where, how and possibly even why?

(do you grit your teeth and bear it when you know it was your own fault?)

Barry's answers may surprise you.

Join us for Gymchat 174 - Training Around Injuries. Fantastic.

Despite our best efforts, everyone gets injured from time to time. A minor scratch, or something a little more serious.

When that happens, how does it impact your training? Does it depend on which area is injured? Or the severity perhaps?

This week we're going to discuss the various ways to assess, resolve and work around the problems you may face. Helping us explore this fascinating topic is none other than Grapplefit's Barry Gibson.

Join us for Gymchat 174 - Training Around Injuries. Fantastic.

Monday, 18 Jun 2012 - Issues

This Week on Straight to the Bar

I'm constantly amazed at just how much my training is influenced by the people on this site. Whether you're looking for a new piece of equipment, an unusual exercise variation or just an idea of how others approach things, you'll enjoy these :

Over to you. I'd love to hear what you think : leave your comments on the above articles, and share them with your friends/colleagues/clients and so on.

NB : If you'd like to submit your own piece for Straight to the Bar, here's how.

Video : How to Build an Outdoor Pull-Up Bar

Nice one Steve.

Gymchat 174 - Training Around Injuries

Despite our best efforts, everyone gets injured from time to time. A minor scratch, or something a little more serious.

When that happens, how does it impact your training? Does it depend on which area is injured? Or the severity perhaps?

This week we're going to discuss the various ways to assess, resolve and work around the problems you may face. Helping us explore this fascinating topic is none other than Grapplefit's Barry Gibson.

Join us for Gymchat 174 - Training Around Injuries. Fantastic.

Details -

Who Grapplefit's Barry Gibson
Topic : Training Around Injuries
When : Wed Jun 20, 9pm EDT (here's how to find out when that is in your timezone)
How : Post a comment, question or reply
Where :

If you've never been to one of these discussions before, here's how to join in the fun. Simple, quick to set up and free.

For everyone who's joining us for their first Gymchat, welcome. Just dive right in, and ask Barry any training-related questions you like.

See you there.

Quick update on last week's gymchat : Thanks once again to everyone who took part in the discussion : Fitness in 2030. Some superb ideas in there.

For those who missed out on the conversation, here's the transcript. Was a great one.

Strongman for Charity : Edward Fox

I love stuff like this.

'Spartan' Ed Fox is currently in training for the UK's Strongest Athlete competition next month. In addition to the glory of competing in something like this, Ed is helping to raise money for the incredible Make a Wish Foundation.

If you'd like to help Ed throw a dollar or two in their direction, it'd certainly be appreciated. Details here.

Tip of the Week: Training When Travelling

Each week we publish a number of tips and techniques via twitter, Google+, the forums, the blog; and now the newsletter. Wherever you are, there's always a way to improve what you're doing.

On Google+ recently I noticed a question from Moz Erly along the lines of 'how do I train when travelling?'. A few years ago, Mark Konen faced a similar situation. His solution (from the article Pack Light, Train Hard) :

Well traveled suitcase.
I am visiting my sedentary family soon and I will not be near a gym so here is my plan:
First, there is a wide variety of bodyweight exercises I can do including push-ups, sit-ups, mountain climbers, burpees, squats, pull-ups and jumping rope. I can fashion these as a circuit or even as a Tabata workout. So, the first thing I will pack is the Gymboss interval timer. Since I will already have my laptop with me, I could also use an online Tabata timer.
To make the bodyweight exercises even more challenging, I will bring along my jumpstretch bands; specifically the mini-bands. I can add resistance to any exercise I do and can also use it for assistance in pull-ups and range of motion (ROM) work. I also have a couple minor, nagging injuries that would benefit from some band work.
I will bring some running gear and would run in areas where I could also find some things like rocks to lift and throw. I may add in some hills and speed training. (I do use the word "speed" with a sense of humor)!
I'll toss in a Captains of Crush Gripper. I can use that while watching sports on the tube.
OK, so far so good. But I really would like to do some heavy lifting so what can I do that is the same as what I would do at my home gym? Sandbag training! All I have to do is to take my sandbag liners of 50, 25 and 10#, empty them at home and then go buy a couple of 50# bags at a hardware store close to where I'll be staying. Sand is cheap.
That about covers all I could possibly need to get in great workouts while out of town. Since I am going to a colder clime, it may be unlikely there will be a heavy snowfall this early in the season, but if I happen to be in a big snowstorm, you can't beat snow shovelling! Snow shovel intervals could be interesting, challenging and fun. Come to think of it, I'll have to look in my dad's garage. I wonder if he has a sledgehammer? I may be able to talk my mom into steering the car while I push it down the street for time or reps!

Good stuff.

Checking Out : The StrongerThanU Ultimate Anchor

Remember the StrongerThanU Ultimate Anchor we mentioned last year?

It's arrived. Fantastic.

Quick update on the superb Fixing Elbow Pain we mentioned recently. Suffice to say that if you've ever experienced conditions like Tennis Elbow or Golfer's Elbow, it's essential reading.

Love it.

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