Results matching “Bird”

Monday, 23 Apr 2012 - Issues

This Week on Straight to the Bar

I'm constantly amazed at just how much my training is influenced by the people on this site. Whether you're looking for a new piece of equipment, an unusual exercise variation or just an idea of how others approach things, you'll enjoy these :

Over to you. I'd love to hear what you think : leave your comments on the above articles, and share them with your friends/colleagues/clients and so on.

NB : If you'd like to submit your own piece for Straight to the Bar, here's how.

Video : The Four Levels of Climb Ups

Which level are you?

Gymchat 166 - How Do You...IV

One of the many fascinating aspects of strength-training is that everyone has a slightly different approach; based on their own goals, available equipment and information. Love it.
This week we'll be returning to our discussion on training approaches, focusing on the many aspects of fitness other than the lifting itself. What's your current diet like, and do you take any supplements? What sort of music do you listen to whilst training, or do you prefer to lift in silence? Other than getting a good nights' sleep, how do you recover after a heavy session?

However you train, we'd love to hear about it. Join us for part four of the incredible How Do You ... series. Fantastic.

Details -

Who : Strength-training fans
Topic : How Do You... IV
When : Wed Apr 25, 9pm EDT (here's how to find out when that is in your timezone)
How : Post a comment, question or reply
Link :

If you've never been to one of these discussions before, here's how to join in the fun. Simple, quick to set up and free.

And to see when it's on in your timezone, head over to the calendar.

See you there.

Quick update on last week's gymchat : Thanks once again to everyone who took part in the discussion : Use What's Around You. Some superb ideas in there.

For those who missed out on the conversation, here's the transcript. Was a great one.

NB : if you'd like to add a fitness-related event (either a competition you're taking part in, or something you're helping to organise there), just login to the forums and add it to the calendar. Cheers.

The Hunt for Broken Links

Straight to the Bar has been around for more than 8 years now, and there are a lot of articles/videos/photos/reviews to say the least. Nearly 6,000 in fact (there's a full list here).

Unfortunately, this number also means there's inevitably a video that's no longer available, or a link to a site which has just moved. Whatever it is, I'm always looking to fix it as quickly as possible.

To help me find the problems : if you spot something that isn't quite working right - a video that's been removed, or a link that no longer works - let me know. Leave a comment, or send me a message on Google+, Twitter or Facebook (all of the details here). As a bonus, you'll receive a selection of strength-training goodness shortly afterward. Not to mention my eternal gratitude.


Tip of the Week: Constantly Fine-Tune Things

Each week we publish a number of tips and techniques via twitter, Google+, the forums, the blog; and now the newsletter. Wherever you are, there's always a way to improve what you're doing.

I've received more emails over the years on the transition to biphasic sleeping than almost anything else I've ever written. I can't thank everyone enough for those, they really are appreciated. Thank you.

Most of them take the form of 'do you think this would work...' and the answer is usually to try it and see. I really haven't made any large structural changes to the original routine; however there has been a little fine-tuning. A snippet from the article Biphasic Sleep : 30 Day Summary explains the overall idea :

Nap in the Sun
Nap in the Sun.
When I started doing this, my idea was to have a 1.5 hour nap and a 3 hour main sleep period. This proved to be a little under what my body required, and I switched to a 3/4.5 hour split (3 hours by default, 4.5 on workout days). Once again this didn't feel like quite enough, and I changed to a regular 1.5 hour nap followed by a 4.5 hour sleep (every day). This feels right.

I say this to demonstrate that making small changes can be of benefit, and I'll continue to make them as required. As the volume of weight training increases (as it almost certainly will), as I age and as my life situation in general changes; the length of the main sleep period will change.

Good stuff.

Checking Out : Fixing Elbow Pain

This looks fantastic.

Having experienced my fair share of injuries over the years, I'm very keen to dive into this one to say the least. And as with everything that Jedd puts forward, it's an extremely comprehensive package.

If you've ever been told you have a condition like Tennis Elbow or Golfer's Elbow, you need Fixing Elbow Pain.

Convict Conditioning, Volume 2: The Ultimate Bodyweight Squat Course
Convict Conditioning, Volume 2.
Quick update on the superb Convict Conditioning II we mentioned recently. I'll post up a full review shortly, but suffice to say, it's a great read.

Love it.

Binoculars at Echo Point
Echo Point, Blue Mountains.

During the past week we've discussed a number of great links; on Google+, Twitter, the Forums and so on. Here are a few of my favourites.

Taking a Nap
Just Resting.
I've been fascinated by sleep for years. As a form of muscular recovery, a way to assist creativity, to help the healing of injuries and a whole lot more.

There are a number of articles on this site looking at the various aspects of sleep (both helping to improve it and explaining how everything works); I've listed a few favourites below.


Want more? No problem. If you're looking to improve your own sleep (and you really can - I was an insomniac for a long time, and now enjoy 6-8 hours a night), consider the Better Sleep Nightly newsletter. Absolutely free.

NB : if you're looking for something specific, just take the search box (top of each page) for a run or click the tag 'sleep' on any of the above articles.

And of course, you can always contact me directly. Details here.

Why I Started Training - SttB Articles

I knew lifting weights was for me when I was 12 years old; the year was 1997 and we had just moved from London out to the countryside. My father continued working in London and had to make the two hour commute every day, so he had to wake up every morning at 5am.
I have always looked up to my father, and during my summer vacations as a child I used to wake up with him at 5am to spend time with him. Every morning we watched those pointless infomercials all trying to sell the latest gadgets, tools and fitness products, we used to joke about how pointless and funny they were, but yet we still watched. I was always interested in the fitness products and distinctly remember this ab crunch machine, it was basically a red seat with two handles and it promised a six-pack in only 30 days or "your money back!"

The ab crunch machine is where it all started, from that point on I was bitten by the fitness bug. Although I was a little different, I was more interested in looking bigger and stronger compared to looking like a lean fitness model. So in the summer of 1997 at the young age of 12 I remember starting my fitness regime, I would run or cycle twice a week to keep up my fitness and to get stronger I did body weight exercises, such as pullups, press ups, sit ups etc. Doing this worked well, even at such a young age, but I quickly progressed and needed to take the next step - lifting weights.

So, for my 14th birthday my parents bought me something I had wanted since I started my fitness regime, a set of dumbbells. I was ecstatic, I had a set of dumbbells totalling 50lbs, I was finally ready to start lifting weights. For the next couple of weeks I read books on the many different exercises you can do with dumbbells, I must have tried 50 or more exercises, most of which I can't even remember. My favorite of all exercises was the dumbbell biceps curl, which I'm sure is a favorite for many young guys. I distinctly remember doing dumbbell curls twice a week in my bedroom, I remember curling 10lbs each arm for 2 minutes, resting for 30 seconds then starting again for another 2 minutes, I did this for a total of 30 minutes!

I've always enjoyed writing. Poetry, short stories, novels, screenplays and so on; if there are words involved, I'll give it a go. Love it.

Several years ago I began to combine this with another passion of mine - web development. For the past 10 years or so, I've been both helping people develop their sites and creating/refining content for them.

It's the content creation aspect of this combination I'm now very much focused on. Specifically the following :

  • web-based copywriting, proofreading and editing
  • content for website marketing campaigns
  • conversion of existing web-based content into books (both online and offline)

To discuss any aspect of your own web-based writing needs, drop me an email. I look forward to hearing from you.

Profiles - Scott Andrew Bird

Photography - Scott Andrew Bird

I've been taking photos of one kind or another for almost 30 years now. Here are links to my recent works, groups and my collection of half-frame cameras.


Recent work



Writing - Scott Andrew Bird

I write regularly for a number of sites; on a variety of cooking, environmental and strength-training topics. Here's just a sample :


I write for a number of blogs on a regular basis (primarily on environmental and fitness topics), as well as providing ad-hoc articles to many others. A few of my favourite pieces are :

In addition to these, I'm the editor of (and regular contributor to) :

and many forums, boards and social networks.


I've written several ebooks, most of them elaborating topics which are mentioned on Straight to the Bar. These include :

Scott Andrew BirdI'm the editor of the strength training site Straight to the Bar. I believe that the human body is an amazing machine, and the site looks at the fastest, strongest and most powerful athletes in a range of fields.

My goal on this site is simple - to help people change their own lives through information and inspiration. I've been extremely fortunate over the years and genuinely enjoy every aspect of my life; hopefully my articles will help you reach a similar point.

**A bit about me personally**

I've been surrounded by cameras and computers for a little over 20 years now, and am passionate about each. Perhaps this is unsurprising; my father was a professional motor racing photographer for many years and my mother shared her love of language, reading and writing. A quick glance at my bookshelves confirms that she succeeded.

The two passions - photography and computing - have seen me engaged in everything from travel photography (I love travel, so this was a natural combination) to 9-5 banking work. Perhaps 8-6 would be more accurate.

Lately I've returned to the areas of language, reading and writing. The expression of ideas is a vital concept, and these areas - together with the photography - cover that perfectly.

Quick reminder : in this week's Gymchat we'll be discussing the various ways to train when you simply don't have the equipment available. Join us for Use What's Around You.

Whether you're just starting out, on-the-road or simply don't have the finances available; there's not much you can do in the way of effective strength-training without some decent equipment. Or is there?

This week we're taking a look at the many ways to get a solid workout in, using the things that are around you. A little bit of bodyweight work, a heavy object or two and a whole lot more. Helping us explore this fascinating topic is none other than combat athlete Andrew Nalepa. Fantastic.

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