Results matching “Bird”

Monday, 20 Jun 2011 - Issues

This Week on Straight to the Bar

I'm constantly amazed at just how much my training is influenced by the people on this site. Whether you're looking for a new piece of equipment, an unusual exercise variation or just an idea of how others approach things, you'll enjoy these :

Ready to add your own opinion, workout log or training article? Just head over to the Forums, Training Logs, or swing by the Article Submissions page. They're fantastic ways to share your ideas.

NB : I've set up a new commenting system for Straight to the Bar, which makes it even easier to share your views with the world. You can log in using your Facebook, Twitter, Google or Disqus accounts. Much simpler.

To kick things off (and to test that everything's working correctly), I'd love it if you could share a few thoughts. If you can, please leave comments on 2 or 3 of the superb articles on the site.

Thank you. It really is appreciated.

Incidentally, if you're looking for a list of the various articles by a particular author, head over here :


Video : Broomstick Shoulder Mobility Drills

A couple of simple ways to get the shoulders ready for action. Nice one.

Twitterchat 123 - Nutrition for Beginners II

Over the past few years I've gradually been refining my diet, and seeing some incredible benefits in the process.

This is the second part of the 'Nutrition for Beginners' discussion, taking a further look at the things we eat; and how to adjust that to our advantage. To reduce weight, improve health, accelerate recovery, reduce stress and a whole lot more.

Helping us explore this fascinating topic is none other than All Round Athlete's Dean Coulson (@DeanCoulson ). Fantastic.

Details -

Who : Strength-training fans
Topic : Nutrition for Beginners II
When : Wed Jun 22, 9pm EDT (1am UTC)
How : Include #sbgym in your tweets.

If you've never been to one of these twitterchats before, here's how to join in the fun. Simple, quick to set up and free.

And to see when it's on in your timezone, head over to the twitterchat calendar.

See you there.

Quick update on last week's twitterchat : Thanks once again to everyone who took part in the discussion on Turning a Good Gym into a Great Gym. Some superb ideas in there.

For those who missed out on the conversation, here's a brief summary. Was a great one.

Tip of the Week: Add Tennis Balls to Your Pull-ups

Each week we publish a number of tips and techniques via twitter, facebook, the forums, the blog; and now the newsletter. Wherever you are, there's always a way to improve what you're doing.

This tip comes to us via David Heaton (@Alpha82), and is part of a longer conversation on twitter, facebook and email. Enjoy.

Looking for a challenge? Grab a couple of tennis balls.

Via David :

@scottbird here's a tip for grip, Hold tennis balls in the palm of your hand while doing pullups! If you've never done this try it and feel it!

NB : While you've got the tennis balls out, there are a couple of other ways to use them in the gym. They're great things to always have available.

Two of the most common are for soft tissue work and for direct grip training. Good fun.

Looking Forward To : Historical Dictionary of the Olympic Movement

This looks great; perfectly combining three of my own passions.

First - and perhaps most obvious - is a fascination with the Olympic games themselves. With only 403 days to go (there's a countdown clock on the London 2012 site), it's definitely time to start planning things.

Second is the historical aspect. There have been some superb sports presented at the Games over the years, both as demonstration and competion sports. Tug-of-war, Roque and many, many more. Love it.

Third is the fact that - and yes, I know this is somewhat unusual - I collect dictionaries. Odd, yes, but also fascinating.

Overall, it's a fantastic mix. No matter which aspect of things (perhaps even all three) appeals to you, keep your eyes open for the Historical Dictionary of the Olympic Movement. Beautiful.

Quick update on the The Ultimate Sandbag : Last week we noted the incredible Ultimate Sandbag. Beautiful thing.

Whether you're looking at it as a conditioning or strength-building tool (or both), swing by the Straight to the Bar Guide to Sandbag Training. Loads of information there, examples and ideas.

Dive in.

Monday, 13 Jun 2011 - Issues

This Week on Straight to the Bar

I'm constantly amazed at just how much my training is influenced by the people on this site. Whether you're looking for a new piece of equipment, an unusual exercise variation or just an idea of how others approach things, you'll enjoy these :

Ready to add your own opinion, workout log or training article? Just head over to the Forums, Training Logs, or swing by the Article Submissions page. They're fantastic ways to share your ideas.

NB : I've just set up a new commenting system for Straight to the Bar, which makes it even easier to share your views with the world. You can log in using your Facebook, Twitter, Google or Disqus accounts. Much simpler.

To kick things off (and to test that everything's working correctly), I'd love it if you could share a few thoughts. If you can, please leave comments on 2 or 3 of the superb articles on the site.

Thank you. It really is appreciated.

Incidentally, if you're looking for a list of the various articles by a particular author, head over here :


Video : Knuckle Push-Ups

One of the many superb push-up variations available. Good fun.

Twitterchat 122 - Turning a Good Gym into a Great Gym

If you've ever tried running your own gym (or any business, for that matter), you know what it's like. It's a lot of work.

This week we're looking at the various ways to make your training facility or fitness business a lot more efficient, focused and profitable. We'll be sharing techniques that have been used successfully by other gym owners, and I'd love to hear your own ideas. Helping us explore this fascinating topic is none other than Body by D-Rock's Derek Peruo (@bodybydrock). Fantastic.

NB : if you're the owner of a training facility or fitness business, head over to the forums and add a quick summary of your services to the 'Recommended Coaches and Trainers' forum. It's free advertising, and I'll be using that list as the basis of a couple of things following the discussion. Details shortly, but believe me, you'll want to be on the list :)

Details -

Who : Strength-training fans
Topic : Turning a Good Gym into a Great Gym
When : Wed Jun 15, 9pm EDT (1am UTC)
How : Include #sbgym in your tweets.

If you've never been to one of these twitterchats before, here's how to join in the fun. Simple, quick to set up and free.

And to see when it's on in your timezone, head over to the twitterchat calendar.

See you there.

Quick update on last week's twitterchat : Thanks once again to everyone who took part in the discussion on Fat Loss. Some superb ideas in there.

For those who missed out on the conversation, here's a brief summary. Was a great one.

Tip of the Week: Refeeding

Each week we publish a number of tips and techniques via twitter, facebook, the forums, the blog; and now the newsletter. Wherever you are, there's always a way to improve what you're doing.

This tip comes to us via Food & Fitness' Anthony Paradis (@foodnfitness), and looks at one of the many fascinating areas that came up in the most recent twitterchat - Refeeding. Enjoy.

Have you hit a weight loss plateau?

Cutting calories is necessary for fat loss but it also creates metabolic stress in the body. Stress hormones and leptin levels can become altered over time and along with a slower metabolism, weight loss can stall.

If this is you, fear not. A simple break from dieting, called a refeed, could be your ticket to results!

To "refeed" just eat 100% of your maintenance calories with higher carbohydrates. This usually equates to an extra meal and a small dessert with your current diet. After about 5-7 days of refeeding, reassess and get back on track to your target weight.

Checking Out : New-look Ultimate Sandbag

I love these things. Incredibly versatile, deceptively challenging, and extremely tough.

Although I've built (and still build, particularly when travelling) any number of sandbags over the years, I generally use the Ultimate Sandbags for my own training. Superbly made, and ready for everything I throw at them.

What sorts of things do I do with them? Well, a lot of the stuff on the Straight to the Bar Guide to Sandbag Training. If you're new to sandbag work, start there. If you've been doing it for years, well, you know what it's like.

Either way, when it comes to buying one for yourself, grab the best. The Ultimate Sandbag.

Quick update on the Super Human System : A few weeks ago we noted the superb Super Human seminars.

Here's a simple way to access that same invaluable information, whenever it suits - the Super Human Membership. Love it.

Monday, 6 Jun 2011 - Issues

This Week on Straight to the Bar

I'm constantly amazed at just how much my training is influenced by the people on this site. Whether you're looking for a new piece of equipment, an unusual exercise variation or just an idea of how others approach things, you'll enjoy these :

NB : I'd love to hear your thoughts. Do the +1 thing, leave a comment beneath the article itself, and share your views with the fantastic strength-training community. Cheers.

Video : Squatting : A Loaded 'Happy Baby'

Very interesting indeed.

Twitterchat 121 - Fat Loss

There are many approaches to fat loss; combining nutrition and exercise in various ways.

This week we're taking a look at the high-protein approach, how it works and why it's effective in many cases. Helping us explore this fascinating topic is none other than Food & Fitness' Anthony Paradis (@foodnfitness). Fantastic.

Details -

Who : Strength-training fans
Topic : Fat Loss
When : Wed Jun 8, 9pm EDT (1am UTC)
How : Include #sbgym in your tweets.

If you've never been to one of these twitterchats before, here's how to join in the fun. Simple, quick to set up and free.

And to see when it's on in your timezone, head over to the twitterchat calendar.

See you there.

Quick update on last week's twitterchat : Thanks once again to everyone who took part in the discussion on Exercise Variations. Some superb ideas in there.

For those who missed out on the conversation, here's a brief summary. Was a great one.

Tip of the Week: 8 Glasses of Water Per Day?

Each week we publish a number of tips and techniques via twitter, facebook, the forums, the blog; and now the newsletter. Wherever you are, there's always a way to improve what you're doing.

This tip comes to us via Straight to the Bar's own Scott Andrew Bird, and looks at the origins of the guidelines surrounding water consumption. Enjoy.

WaterMost people are aware that the drinking of plenty of water is advisable, and anecdotal evidence suggests that more = better (up to a point). However, where did the current guideline of '8 cups per day' come from?

According to Valtin (i) the origin is probably the 1945 recommendation made by the Food and Nutrition Board of the US National Research Council. This stated :

A suitable allowance of water for adults is 2.5 liters daily in most instances. An ordinary standard for diverse persons is 1 milliliter for each calorie of food. Most of this quantity is contained in prepared foods.

Think 'ml per calorie', rather than a fixed amount. After all, everyone's different.

NB : The 2.5 litres was changed to 8 x 8 fluid ounce cups in later recommendations, but is otherwise unchanged.

Checking Out : Old Sports & Strength Videos

I love these.

Whilst researching the various strength feats of Thomas Topham I stumbled across a collection of sporting and strength videos from the early 20th century. Everything from films which include a strongman show to movies of sports events from the period.

Right now I'm watching several of the boxing trailers and newsreels, featuring the incredible Jack 'The Manassa Mauler' Dempsey (pictured).You'll find all of these - absolutely free - over at Dive in.

Quick update on Explode Your Deadlift : A few weeks ago we mentioned Explode Your Deadlift, Andy Bolton's much anticipated ebook on deadlift training.

As I'm more than a little partial to the deadlift, I'm a big fan. What do you think - has Explode Your Deadlift helped you in your own quest?

A great read.

Monday, 30 May 2011 - Issues

This Week on Straight to the Bar

I'm constantly amazed at just how much my training is influenced by the people on this site. Whether you're looking for a new piece of equipment, an unusual exercise variation or just an idea of how others approach things, you'll enjoy these :

Ready to add your own opinion, workout log or training article? Just head over to the Forums, Training Logs, or swing by the Article Submissions page. They're fantastic ways to share your ideas.

NB : I'd love to hear your thoughts. Leave a comment beneath the article itself, and share your views with the fantastic strength-training community. Cheers.

Video : Bulgarian Bag Guillotine Series

Interesting way to put the Bulgarian Bag to work. Nice one.

Twitterchat 120 - Exercise Variations

You know the feeling.

Perhaps you've run out plates, or room on the bar. Perhaps you're sick of the routine, and want something a little different. Or perhaps you're just having a great day, and want a bit more of a challenge.

Whatever the reason, there's always a way to switch things up. An alternative exercise, the use of bands or chains; shorter rest breaks and so on.

This week we're discussing these options, and many others. How to make your favourite exercises just a little more interesting, challenging and - in some cases - effective. Looking forward to it.

Details -

Who : Strength-training fans
Topic : Exercise Variations
When : Wed Jun 1, 9pm EDT (1am UTC)
How : Include #sbgym in your tweets.

If you've never been to one of these twitterchats before, here's how to join in the fun. Simple, quick to set up and free.

And to see when it's on in your timezone, head over to the twitterchat calendar.

See you there.

The Gathering 2011

Kris, this looks fantastic.

The Gathering is quite simply a way to physically meet those you've only competed against virtually (in the Virtual Meets - great things). It takes place in Kris' own outdoor gym just outside Vaasa, western Finland.

To give you an idea of what goes on during the 4 days of The Gathering, here are some of the photos from the last meet-up in 2009. There's also an excellent write-up by Alberto Caraballo over on his blog The Reinvention Tour.

For full details - and to sign up - head over to the Virtual Meet site. Beautiful.

Quick update on last week's twitterchat : Thanks once again to everyone who took part in the discussion on Biofeedback. Some superb ideas in there.

For those who missed out on the conversation, here's a brief summary. Was a great one.

Tip of the Week: Why Armwrestlers are Called 'Pullers' (and How To Be a Better One)

Each week we publish a number of tips and techniques via twitter, facebook, the forums, the blog; and now the newsletter. Wherever you are, there's always a way to improve what you're doing.

This tip comes to us via professional armwrestler Scott Latella, and is part of his superb article How to Become a Better Armwrestler. Enjoy.

Scott Latella
Scott Latella.
Pulling: If you go to an armwrestling tournament or maybe watch some matches on YouTube you will notice people calling matches pulls or hear armwrestlers being called pullers. Why?? Well the best basic move in armwrestling is to first pull your opponent's arm back to you before trying to press sideways for the pin.
Armwrestling is a leverage sport; gain that advantage and your chances of winning skyrocket. So when getting your grip focus on a nice tight grip, tighten your whole arm so it stays super tight at a 90% angle and then when the ref (or 3rd buddy) says go, yank his arm straight back to you (aim for your nose). If he is not ready for this his arm will open up and you will have a great leverage advantage. At this point you go for the pin and thrust sideways. Can you say winner??

Checking Out : The StrongerThanU Ultimate Anchor

This is a great idea.

StrongerThanU is a collaboration between StrongerGrip's Ryan Pitts and trainer Eric Chessen. This product - the StrongerThanU Ultimate Anchor - is a superbly simple concept; an anchor point for undulating rope training, for up to 4 people at once. If you train groups of people using things like the Battling Ropes, the StrongerThanU Ultimate Anchor really is an essential piece of kit.


Quick update on Explode Your Deadlift : A few weeks ago we mentioned Explode Your Deadlift, Andy Bolton's much anticipated ebook on deadlift training.

As I'm more than a little partial to the deadlift, I'm a big fan. What do you think - has Explode Your Deadlift helped you in your own quest?

A great read.

Monday, 23 May 2011 - Issues

This Week on Straight to the Bar

I'm constantly amazed at just how much my training is influenced by the people on this site. Whether you're looking for a new piece of equipment, an unusual exercise variation or just an idea of how others approach things, you'll enjoy these :

Ready to add your own opinion, workout log or training article? Just head over to the Forums, Training Logs, or swing by the Article Submissions page. They're fantastic ways to share your ideas.

NB : I'd love to hear your thoughts. Leave a comment beneath the article itself, and share your views with the fantastic strength-training community. Cheers.

Video : The Chicken Press

Want another dumbbell exercise for your arsenal? Consider the Chicken Press.

Twitterchat 119 - Biofeedback

This makes a great deal of sense.

When 'Unbreakable' Adam Glass' DVDs came out - the ones covering the Gym Movement Protocol - there was a lot of talk about Biofeedback in a strength-training context. What, how, why and when.

This week we're diving even deeper into this fascinating area. Helping us explore it is none other than Extreme Human Performance's Mike T Nelson (@miketnelson). Fantastic.

Details -

Who : Strength-training fans
Topic : Biofeedback
When : Wed May 25, 9pm EDT (1am UTC)
How : Include #sbgym in your tweets.

If you've never been to one of these twitterchats before, here's how to join in the fun. Simple, quick to set up and free.

And to see when it's on in your timezone, head over to the twitterchat calendar.

See you there.

Quick update on last week's twitterchat : Thanks once again to everyone who took part in the discussion on Nutrition for Beginners. Some superb ideas in there.

For those who missed out on the conversation, here's a brief summary. Was a great one.

Looking Forward To : The Ultimate Kettlebells Workbook

Can't learn enough about kettlebell training? Me neither.

It's safe to say that I've got a couple of kettlebell training books & DVDs on the fitness shelves. Soon to be added to the list (and gradually making its way up the books-to-read stack) is Dave Randolph's The Ultimate Kettlebells Workbook: The Revolutionary Program to Tone, Sculpt and Strengthen Your Whole Body. Although I haven't yet read much about this one (it doesn't come out for another few weeks), his previous work Spartan Warrior Workout is a great read.

Hopes are high.

Quick update on the Beast Sled : A few weeks ago we noted the Beast Sled; beautiful thing.

If you haven't ordered yours yet, swing by the The Beast Sled site and check them out. I'd love to hear what you think.

Monday, 16 May 2011 - Issues

This Week on Straight to the Bar

I'm constantly amazed at just how much my training is influenced by the people on this site. Whether you're looking for a new piece of equipment, an unusual exercise variation or just an idea of how others approach things, you'll enjoy these :

Ready to add your own opinion, workout log or training article? Just head over to the Forums, Training Logs, or swing by the Article Submissions page. They're fantastic ways to share your ideas.

NB : I'd love to hear your thoughts. Leave a comment beneath the article itself, and share your views with the fantastic strength-training community. Cheers.

Video : TRX Clap Push Ups

I love the TRX.

Twitterchat 118 - Nutrition for Beginners

Over the past few years I've gradually been refining my diet, and seeing some incredible benefits in the process.

This is the second part of the 'Getting Started' discussion, taking a close look at the things we eat; and how to adjust that to our advantage. To reduce weight, improve health, accelerate recovery, reduce stress and a whole lot more.

Helping us explore this fascinating topic is none other than All Round Athlete's Dean Coulson (@DeanCoulson). Fantastic.

Details -

Who : Strength-training fans
Topic : Nutrition for Beginners
When : Wed May 18, 9pm EDT (1am UTC)
How : Include #sbgym in your tweets.

If you've never been to one of these twitterchats before, here's how to join in the fun. Simple, quick to set up and free.

And to see when it's on in your timezone, head over to the twitterchat calendar.

See you there.

Quick update on last week's twitterchat : Thanks once again to everyone who took part in the discussion on Myofascial Release. Some superb ideas in there.

For those who missed out on the conversation, here's a brief summary. Was a great one.

Tip of the Week: How To Use Lifting Straps

Each week we publish a number of tips and techniques via twitter, facebook, the forums, the blog; and now the newsletter. Wherever you are, there's always a way to improve what you're doing.

This tip comes to us via Straight to the Bar's own Scott Andrew Bird (@scottbird). Enjoy.

Lifting straps are not exactly going to challenge your grip, but they certainly have their place.

The matter of 'when do you use them?' is up to you (personally, I use them whenever I feel that the weight being lifted is more important than challenging my grip; typically on the last couple of sets of something like heavy deadlifts), but the video below will show you how. Give them a go.

NB : this post first appeared on the Straight to the Bar Forums. For more tips like these, swing by the Beginners area. Good stuff.

Looking Forward To : How a Champion is Made

This looks great.

Two weeks ago we discussed how to 'Get Started' with weight training in general. And yes, it's a great journey.

In the book How a Champion is Made, Steve Cardillo takes a close look at one particular aspect of this journey - the education of a son or nephew in the world of strength training. From the publisher's notes on Amazon :

This is a must read for all parents who want to instill in their son the determination, leadership skills, and confidence to succeed through weight training and nutrition. Cardillo demonstrates what your son needs to do to get the most out of his workout routine while maintaining a safe training environment.

Fantastic. The book comes out in just over a months' time - July 1st. Looking forward to it.

Quick update on the Beast Sled : A few weeks ago we noted the Beast Sled; beautiful thing.

If you haven't ordered yours yet, swing by the The Beast Sled site and check them out. I'd love to hear what you think.

Monday, 9 May 2011 - Issues

This Week on Straight to the Bar

I'm constantly amazed at just how much my training is influenced by the people on this site. Whether you're looking for a new piece of equipment, an unusual exercise variation or just an idea of how others approach things, you'll enjoy these :

Ready to add your own opinion, workout log or training article? Just head over to the Forums, Training Logs, or swing by the Article Submissions page. They're fantastic ways to share your ideas.

NB : I'd love to hear your thoughts. Leave a comment beneath the article itself, and share your views with the fantastic strength-training community. Cheers.

Video : Dinnie Stone Training

Mike T Nelson does several somewhat uncommon lifts, including this : using the Dinnie Stone Handles. Nice one.

Twitterchat 117 - Myofascial Release

When it comes to injury prevention and recovery, there's nothing quite like a dose of Myofascial Release. Love it.

This week we're discussing the Myofascial Release approach - everything from what it is, to how to learn it and what to do. No matter what your own workouts are like, this will certainly help you get a little more from them.

Helping us explore this fascinating topic is none other than Fitness Town's Eva Martens (@FiT_girl). Fantastic.

Details -

Who : Strength-training fans
Topic : Myofascial Release
When : Wed May 11, 9pm EDT (1am UTC)
How : Include #sbgym in your tweets.

If you've never been to one of these twitterchats before, here's how to join in the fun. Simple, quick to set up and free.

And to see when it's on in your timezone, head over to the twitterchat calendar.

See you there.

Scott Bird. Artwork by Vince Palko.
Yes, I love the deadlift.
Quick update on last week's twitterchat : Thanks once again to everyone who took part in the discussion on Getting Started : Training for Beginners. Some superb ideas in there.

For those who missed out on the conversation, here's a brief summary. Was a great one.

Tip of the Week: Increasing Chin-ups & Pull-ups

Each week we publish a number of tips and techniques via twitter, facebook, the forums, the blog; and now the newsletter. Wherever you are, there's always a way to improve what you're doing.

This tip comes to us from Straight to the Bar's own Scott Andrew Bird (@scottbird), and Unbreakable' Adam Glass - who blogs over at Walk The Road Less Traveled. Enjoy.

One of my favourite forms of bodyweight (or weighted) training is a set of chin-ups. Whether in the home gym or somewhere a little more public, any form of chin-up (and there are a number of varieties) is welcomed. Love the things.

This article lists the basic strategies for increasing the number of chin-ups (or pull-ups) you can do in a single, continuous, set. Whether you're looking to go from 1 to 3, or 25 to 30; the logic is the same. There are 3 basic approaches to consider :

1. Deload the body. There are various ways to reduce the amount of weight you're lifting with each rep -

  • have a partner stand behind you with their hands on your back,
  • choke a resistance band to the bar, and stand in it,
  • start with one leg on a box, and give yourself a slight push.

All of these work, and the option you choose will depend largely on what is available to you at the time.

2. Overload the body. If you're already able to perform at least 3-4 reps, try adding a bit of weight (10-15lb is all it takes) and knocking out one perfect rep. If you can do one or two of these at the start of your workout, the bodyweight-only lifts will seem comparatively easy, nice and fast.

3. Find yourself on the bar frequently. Make a point of doing a small number of reps (even just 1), several times a day. If you can do even one rep, 5-8 times daily, you'll increase your total reps in no time.

Note that there are 'bars' everywhere you look - make use of them. Ledges, branches, steel frames, heavy doors and so on. Use whatever's handy.

Chin-ups and Pull-ups are wonderful things. Once you start doing them regularly, it's amazing just how many 'bars' you'll find around the place and how many reps you can do.

NB : this post first appeared on the Straight to the Bar Forums. For more tips like these, swing by the Beginners area, and check out Adam's superb articles on the site. Good stuff.

Looking Forward To : The Smarter Strength Workshop

This looks great.

The Smarter Strength Workshop takes the Gym Movement Protocol (if you recall the Grip 'n' Rip approach, you understand the basic idea), and expands it enormously. What's more, it's an even more powerful, detailed and accessible way in to some truly astonishing transformations.

For more information on the Smarter Strength Workshop - everything from the 'what' to the 'when' - here's 'Unbreakable' Adam Glass.


Quick update on the Beast Sled : A few weeks ago we noted the Beast Sled; beautiful thing.

If you haven't ordered yours yet, swing by the The Beast Sled site and check them out. I'd love to hear what you think.

Monday, 2 May 2011 - Issues

This Week on Straight to the Bar

I'm constantly amazed at just how much my training is influenced by the people on this site. Whether you're looking for a new piece of equipment, an unusual exercise variation or just an idea of how others approach things, you'll enjoy these :

Ready to add your own opinion, workout log or training article? Just head over to the Forums, Training Logs, or swing by the Article Submissions page. They're fantastic ways to share your ideas.

NB : I'd love to hear your thoughts. Leave a comment beneath the article itself, and share your views with the fantastic strength-training community. Cheers.

Video : CalChain Warmup - The Kettlebell Reinvented

Several ways to put the CalChain to work. Good stuff.

Twitterchat 116 - Getting Started : Training for Beginners

Scott Bird. Artwork by Vince Palko.
Yes, I love the deadlift.
I absolutely love working out. Feeling great is a beautiful thing. I understand though that getting started is more than a little intimidating. Where do you begin? What do you do? What happens if ...? Whether you're a beginner or have been training for years, you know what it's like.
This week we're discussing exactly how to get started. How much space & equipment you really need (not as much as you'd think), where and how to train. Helping us explore this fascinating topic is none other than Kevin 'Sgt Sweaty' Miller (@SgtSweaty). Fantastic.
Details -

Who : Strength-training fans
Topic : Getting Started : Training for Beginners
When : Wed May 4, 9pm EDT (1am UTC)
How : Include #sbgym in your tweets.

If you've never been to one of these twitterchats before, here's how to join in the fun. Simple, quick to set up and free.

And to see when it's on in your timezone, head over to the twitterchat calendar.

See you there.

Quick update on last week's twitterchat : Thanks once again to everyone who took part in the discussion on Strength & Conditioning for Judo. Some superb ideas in there.

For those who missed out on the conversation, here's a brief summary. Was a great one.

Tip of the Week: See How It's Done

Each week we publish a number of tips and techniques via twitter, facebook, the forums, the blog; and now the newsletter. Wherever you are, there's always a way to improve what you're doing.

Whether you're just starting out or have been training for years, one of the greatest ways to learn a new technique is to watch someone both demonstrate and explain it.

Accordingly, I've put together a number of tutorial videos - covering a range of training types - over on my YouTube page. Here's an example :

For more, just head over here. And to add one, simply point me to it. Love seeing them.

NB : for more tips like these, swing by the Beginners areas of the forums. And for more on Block Weights (Blobs), check out Jedd 'Napalm' Johnson's superb article The Many Types of Blobs. Good stuff.

Looking Forward To : Super Human Workshop DVDs

These should be fantastic.

The recent Super Human Workshop put on by Logan Christopher and Bud Jeffries was absolutely superb. A stack of great information being shared.

If you missed it, you'll be pleased to know that Logan's almost finished creating the DVDs from this event; a great way to take in the information from the comfort of your own home.


Quick update on Home Made Strength II : Grip Strength Edition : A few weeks ago we noted Jedd's most recent DVD - the second in the Home Made Strength series. Absolutely fantastic.

This is the one that shows precisely how to build - and train with - several fantastic grip tools. It really is top quality.

Thanks to everyone who grabbed a copy, and to those that left feedback; it's greatly appreciated. If you haven't yet got one for yourself, you can grab it here. Love it.

Thank You. - Straight to the Bar

Welcome to the Straight to the Bar 'Obscene Strength' community. It's great to see you here.

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What Happens Next? When Do You Start Getting Updates?

The Newsletter is delivered at the start of each day (5am Eastern, so you can read it over breakfast) and contains the latest updates from the Straight to the Bar Forums. Training Logs, Articles, Photos, Comments and Questions.

It's all there.

In the meantime, here are several free videos, photos and training guides that you're more than welcome to download, print and make full use of :

Tutorial Videos
Photos of Training, Competition & Equipment
Training & Equipment Guides

And a whole lot more in the Member Bonuses area of the forums. See you there.

Want Even More? No Problem.

In addition to the items above (and the ebooks you'll be getting shortly) are a number of other top resources I've found elsewhere. These are all things that I use myself, and strongly recommend.

If you use (or purchase) any of them yourself, I'd love to hear what you think.

The Grip AuthorityAs many of you already know, I'm a huge fan of grip training.

Over the years I've been fortunate enough to work with - and learn from - several freakishly strong gripsters, including the massively talented Adam Glass, Aaron Corcorran and Ryan Pitts.

And, of course, Jedd 'Napalm' Johnson.

Not only is Jedd insanely strong, he's an incredible teacher. To give you an idea, here are just a few of the superb series he's shared over the years :

  • Straight to the Grip Contest (part I, II, III, IV, V, VI)
  • Hammering Strength into the Wrists (part I, II)
  • Hub Lifting (part I, II)

Want more? If you're keen to learn the skills necessary to remain at the top of this extremely competitive game, head over to The Grip Authority. A wealth of instructional videos, articles and discussions to help you become obscenely strong.

If you're serious about your grip strength, it's the best investment you can make.

And thanks once again for joining the Straight to the Bar community. It really is appreciated.

Thank You. - Straight to the Bar

Welcome to the Straight to the Bar community. It's great to see you here.

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In order to activate your subscription, check your email and click on the link in that email. You will not receive your subscription until you click that link to activate it.

If you don't see that email in your inbox shortly, fill out the form again to have another copy of it sent to you.

What Happens Next? When Do You Start Getting The Newsletter?

The Strength & Fitness Newsletter is created every Monday (and delivered the same day), containing the highlights from Straight to the Bar that week. In the meantime, here are several free videos, photos and training guides that you're more than welcome to download, print and make full use of :

Tutorial Videos
Photos of Training, Competition & Equipment
Training & Equipment Guides

(The link for the free ebooks will arrive in your email shortly after you click the confirmation).

Want Even More? No Problem.

In addition to the items above (and the ebooks you'll be getting shortly) are a number of other top resources I've found elsewhere. These are all things that I use myself, and strongly recommend.

If you use (or purchase) any of them yourself, I'd love to hear what you think.

Chris Melton's The Rotater Daily : a free daily newsletter on getting your shoulders healthy, and keeping them that way. Chris is a physiotherapist, perhaps best known as the man behind that excellent shoulder rehabilitation tool, The Rotater.

Tony Paradis' Food & Fitness Newsletter : a regular - and detailed - look at the many ways that our diets can be fine-tuned in order to assist strength-training. Tony is a nutritionist who you may have talked to on a few of the Twitterchats. Great discussions.

Derek Peruo's Body By D-Rock TV : this is a podcast for the Fitness Professional, looking at strategies for ensuring business success in the strength-training arena. To get a feel for Derek's thinking, check out some of his superb articles on this site.

And thanks once again for joining the Straight to the Bar community. It really is appreciated.

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