Results matching “Bird”

George T.D. Moore - Test articles

George Moore

Legendary Australian jockey George Thomas Donald Moore (1923 - 2008).

How to paint a kettlebell - Test articles

Painted kettlebellIf you've just acquired a kettlebell and are thinking of giving it a bit of a personalised look, you may like to grab a copy of this quick guide. How to paint a kettlebell [.pdf, 160kb]. Oh, and it's free.

A little dumbbell workThis is a guest post by's Greg Schnese - Total Body Workout in 10 Exercises. Enjoy.

10 exercises to work your entire body! Everyone wants to be fit, in shape and look great. You can have phenomenal results if your workout is efficient and effective. This post provides 10 exercises that target your entire body directly or indirectly. These exercises are considered fundamental and are extremely effective – you’ll see great results.

Anaerobic Exercises (Weight Training)

For each pound of muscle you add to your body, it will burn an extra 50 calories per day! Basically, if you can add 2 pounds of muscle, the extra calories your body would burn is roughly the same as running 1 mile. It's like running a mile per day, without doing anything extra!

Here are 10 Total Body Exercises to Develop Muscle Quickly:

  • Squat
  • Clean
  • Deadlift
  • Bench Press/Push Ups
  • Row
  • Hammer Curl
  • Weighted Dips
  • Overhead Press
  • Overhead Pulldowns
  • Decline Ab Crunches

Notes on each exercise

These exercises are listed in order of importance. Squatting is one of the best exercises possible. It works your entire lower body and many stabilizing muscles in your core and upper body. Cleaning is an underrated exercise; it’s rare to see someone clean at a gym. Don’t let that stop you, cleaning is a great total body exercise and builds endurance. The deadlift is a powerhouse exercise and will build your lower body. These exercises are listed at the top because they work muscles from your lower body, which has the most muscle mass. The more muscles you work, the better your results will be.

The bench press is the best exercise for your upper body because it works a lot of muscles. Your chest and arms will be worked as you bench press. The row exercise works your back and should be done on the same days as the bench press. Between benching and rowing you can build a serious upper body.

The arms have smaller muscles than the legs or chest, but should not be ignored. A hammer curl is a basic curl for your biceps. Dips are an excellent exercise for your triceps. By adding weight to your dips you can push your muscles harder, which will give you better results.

The last parts of your body to work are your shoulders, upper back and abs. The overhead press, or military press, is an effective shoulder exercise. You could add a press to your clean to save some time. Overhead pulldowns work the muscles that the overhead press misses. To finish your workout, a set or two of decline abs will do the trick.

NB : These exercises should not all be done on the same day. Break them into a 3/4 day split or incorporate them into your existing workout

These 10 exercises target all of your body's muscles either directly or indirectly. They also target your body's largest muscles so you will see results faster. If you could only do 10 weight lifting exercises, these are the 10 to do!

Now that you have a guide to gain muscle, which will help burn calories, you'll have to focus on cardio workouts.

Combining anaerobic and aerobic exercises is the best way to lose fat and gain muscle. Aerobic exercise + anaerobic exercise = huge results.

Gregory Schnese is the Web Producer at is an instructional video community focused on fitness and wellness. Visit for videos that are free to watch online and available for purchase and download.

Home Calisthenics - Test articles

Home CalisthenicsPop over and say hi to Daniel at Home Calisthenics - How to exercise effectively at home. A good read.

Jeff Lewis at 540lb. Photo via EFS.C.S. Sloan has a good article up on Dragon Door - regarding deadlift training. Specifically, how to alter your deadlift training to suit your body type. Good stuff.

Dr Douglas Edmunds - Test articles

Dr Douglas Edmunds

The 'godfather of Strongman', Dr Douglas Edmunds. Photo by Dr Randall J. Strossen.

Low bodyfatIs 2008 the year of low carb, low fat or something else entirely? A good read.

Brian CopelandOver on the Dragon Door site, Brian Copeland looks at the importance of mastering the skills of relaxation and tension. A great read.

Ready for Restoration? - Test articles

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