Results matching “Bird”

Tactical TGUMark Reifkind points to video [streaming, 2.3mb .flv download] of a great kettlebell exercise variation - the Tactical Turkish Get-up (TGU). Now that's some serious stability.

Back restThe indoor home gym gets plenty of use at this time of year - especially with the rapid onset of winter here. The old familiars definitely come out to play.

One of these is the overhead press, in its many forms. As there isn't much in the way of headroom (just enough to squeeze in chin-ups, but muscle-ups on the same bar are out of the question) I perform the overhead stuff seated on the bench; usually within the rack.

With any press work like this, the lower back takes a lot of the strain and there's a definite tendency to lean back. To reduce the back work a little and shift the emphasis to the shoulders and upper arms, I use a piece of old kitchen bench-top as a back support. This is heavy, stable and does the job extremely well.

Perhaps not the most complicated piece of DIY gym equipment I use, but certainly one that gets a lot of attention. Now on to the fun part - building up a bit of decent shoulder strength.

Deadlifting kids - Test articles

Theo Burggraaff

Theo Burggraaff
(closest to camera) joining in the fun of the NEMO Science Centre's 10th anniversary celebrations (article in Dutch). Using custom built apparatus, 10 men managed to deadlift a total of 120 children. An excellent way to demonstrate strength.

Rick WalkerRick Walker just alerted me to 3 great lifting blogs over at Beyond Strong. Great reading.

There's something in the basement

Love the name. This is Rick's own corner of the internet, clearly showing just what competitive powerlifting is all about. Definitely one to add to your reading list.

Shaf's Corner

This is Power and Bulk's own Steve Shafley taking a look at all manner of strength sports; including powerlifting, Olympic lifting, strongman and highland games. A fantastic mix.

Rise and Fall

Rise and Fall is home to Strongman Theo Burggraff. Some excellent photos on there - superb.

One-armed dumbbell bench pressJust got a chance to read Dan John's latest piece on T-nation - New Associations, New Muscle. Here he discusses how not only changing exercises around, but changing the equipment used can lead to a wealth of new ideas.

Experiment. Have fun.

John KaiserTotal Transformation's John Kaiser takes a look at one of my favourite workout locations - the local park. It's definitely not just for kids.

Ernst Zuzya - Test articles

Ernst Zuzya

Russian wrestler Ernst Zuzya. About 1900.

Eat Wild - Test articles

Grass fedLooking for grass-fed beef in your state (North America only)? Head over to the Eat Wild site.

Pedal to the metal - Test articles


Interesting idea - the iH85B. Motörhead at 20 paces?

Reaching for pizzaWith the rain continuing, the indoor gym definitely had some attention. Between sessions the following appeared :

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