Results matching “Bird”

Andrey Kuzmin - Test articles

Girevoy SportHead over to Girevoy Sport, online home of Russian kettlebell afficionado Andrey Kuzmin. There's a wealth of great information on all aspects of kettlebell training; particularly in the forum. Enjoy.

Compact Trainer - Test articles

Compact TrainerThis has got me seriously thinking about my home gym. And it's all good.

Catherine Imes - Test articles

Catherine ImesThe American Kettlebell Club blog points to the site of kettlebell coach Catherine Imes, who was recently declared a Master of the Sport (officially); completing an incredible 192 reps in the Snatch [streaming, 9.3mb .flv download]. Congrats.

Farmers Walk bars - Test articles

Farmers Walk barsThe DIY Equipment competition keeps growing. As promised, Clay Johnson has completed his Farmers' Walk bars (for only $10, I might add). Here's how they were put together (from Clay) :

  1. I made a set of Farmer's Walk Bars for under $10. I mainly used left over items from other projects and some old Pro-Style dumbbell handles.
  2. I have a slew of old standard weights out in my garage so I made them for 1 inch plates. 2 inch pipe or Olympic adapters can be used too.
  3. I started with 2 4×4 four feet sections. I think if I was going to be doing very heavy weights, I would use 6×6s.
  4. For the weight holders I just used some old pipe and 7/16 inch threaded rod.
  5. For the handles, I used some Pro-Dumbbell handles that I never use (they had rubber handles and I put some pipe over them and now they are about 1 1/4 inch in diameter. To connect the handles, I uses some hardened 1/2 inch threaded rod and solid conduit hangers I picked up for $1 a pound.
  6. These things are made to hold industrial pipe so they should hold a few hundred pounds. I used blue Loctite on everything.
  7. I just counter-sunk the holes.

They work well and are well balanced and all this for just a few dollars! - Test articles

StrongLifts is the training blog of 26 year-old Belgian Mehdi (who, incidentally, has a very similar home gym setup to my own); featuring plenty of squatting, Olympic weightlifting and grip work. Head over there and say hello.

Horizontal Pinch DeviceAnother brilliant entry for the DIY Equipment competition - Chris Rice's Horizontal Pinch Device. A few words from the man himself will tell you exactly why I want one of these (and if you train grip, you're probably thinking the same thing) :

Before the build :

One of the problems I have encountered since I began to train grip is pinch training. This is primarily tested and trained isometricly and while I have had some success with it I feel that being able to train dynamically over a full ROM may have several benefits I would like to work with including greater hand health than isometric work only. The TTK, Squeezer, Pony clamp etc work the thumb, palm and fingers but in a way not quite like pinching plates, block weights, climbing or the Euro Pinch apparatus and have a weakness in the lack of use by the whole hand. My hope is to make an adjustable width pinch tool that works in a horizontal direction, has the ability to adjust from extremely wide to as close to zero as possible. I hope to make the face plates high enough for full hand length contact like plates or a Euro setup as well as angle adjustable from square to around the angle to match the sides of a York Blob. It will have adjustable stops for plate adjustment and prestretch on the resistance bands which will allow isometrics as well. It will use regular rubber bands for resistance. I have tried a back to back L configuration in the past but could never figure out how to keep the pinch plates parallel over a wide movement range or avoid the feeling of one side movement. This time I’m using a slide which will be constant over any distance.

and following construction (and use) :

OK – it’s done now and I’ve used it several times now. First, it’s very smooth – very smooth, no binding at all. Everything worked out about like I had hoped it would. The horizontal setup feels much more like a block weight or plates, Euro pinch or whatever. With proper tension on each side, both sides move unlike the feeling I have with other devices where one side feels locked and one moves, a couple less bands on the thumb side makes both move together. The angle adjustment is easy, quick, and works nicely. The width adjustment only takes a couple seconds. Changing to isometric mode also only takes a couple seconds. I can relax the tension on the bands easily to keep their strength longer. The movement feels good – better than always squeezing as hard as possible and no movement, hopefully this will be a good thing over time. It can be loaded with small changes in resistance giving a method of measuring progress and strength gains. All in all, I’m very happy with it – only time will tell what gains I will have with it.

Chris, that looks fantastic.

Mama Lou - Test articles

Mama Lou by Ted DottavioTearing phonebooks in a street near you : Mama Lou. Here's a taste [streaming, 6.5mb .flv download].

Hummer pushingLifting, dragging and pushing. A great compilation from this year's South East Strongman competition [streaming , 16.5mb .flv download].

2 Hand pinch - Test articles

2-handed plate pinch

The Diesel Crew at it again. 2-handed plate pinching. For more info on this great exercise, head over to EliteFTS. Thanks Jedd.

Steep - Test articles

SteepVia Get Outdoors : Steep is a documentary on Big Mountain Skiing (aka Complete Insanity) by writer and director Mark Obenhaus. If the trailer's anything to go by, there are some great shots in there.

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