Results matching “Bird”

Biphasic sleep : Day 20 - Test articles

Biphasic sleep : Day 20Serious bedhead. Judging by the way I feel there were no more than 3 hours of decent quality sleep in that 4.5 hours. That isn't too bad - although this afternoon's squats should be interesting.

Following nap

One of the things I'm noticing with this test is that I'm getting quite tired by around 19:00 (the usual nap time); making the nap more than welcome at that point. This evening was certainly no exception, and waking after 90 minutes was frustratingly soon.

The Truth About Bulking - Test articles

Lee PriestChristian Thibaudeau takes a very interesting look at the traditional notion of bulking; asking the simple question :

Is bulking up to gain muscle a good idea?

If you've ever wondered whether to bulk-then-cut or simply follow a clean diet with the right amount of each nutrient (all year, that is) then this article is meant for you.

A couple of samples :

You can eat any amount of food you want; you simply can't change your protein synthesis limit naturally. Eating more food than your body can use to build muscle will simply lead to more body fat being gained.


you can't bully your body into building muscle by force-feeding it. Adding nutrients and calories will have a positive effect on muscle growth until you reach your saturation point. After that, any additional calories will be stored as body fat.

I think the answer is quite clear - a careful, planned, clean diet.

Biphasic sleep : Day 19 - Test articles

Biphasic sleep : Day 19That was a luxurious 4.5 hours' sleep - at least it would've been if I could stop thinking about the various things I'd be doing today. I probably got 3 hours' total out of that 4.5 (yes, I should've written it down).

Even with a comparitively poor night's slumber I feel quite rested; at least for now. The real test will begin in a few hours when the Spring heat arrives in full. And it most certainly will.

Following nap

Another deep one. I could've easily slept for a few more hours, so tonight's definitely going to be a 4.5 hour stint. Luxury.

Snowdaddy Powerlifting - Test articles

SnowdaddyWith 20 years of weight training beneath his belt (pun intended), Winnipeg's Snowdaddy has come to the simple conclusion :

Lift big or don't bother lifting.


Thick rope recline pulls - Test articles

Thick rope recline pullFrom Zach Even-Esh: The picture says it all. If you're looking for something a bit different, grab a length of thick rope and try this. It's more difficult than it looks.

Biphasic sleep : Day 18 - Test articles

Biphasic sleep : Day 18Another cycle. Yesterday's 9 hour total seems to have definitely swung the argument in favour of having 4.5 hours each night; especially as the 'workout' was nothing more complex than a few sets of shrugs.

So far I haven't been overly concerned at the notion of waking to an alarm, switching it off, rolling over and going back to sleep. There are many ways to combat this (several of which I've tried in the past); perhaps the most simple is to move the alarm slightly out of reach from the bed. If I have to get out of bed just to turn the alarm off, I'm unlikely to jump back in for an additional sleep.

The reason I haven't been terribly worried about the oversleeping is that there's usually a reason for it. Aside from 'the bed was warm and comfortable', almost anything is tolerable - tiredness from stress, physical exertion or heat. Relocating the alarm is a more difficult decision than you might imagine.

Following nap

Unlike last night's extravaganza, 90 minutes proved quite enough. This time I only allowed 10 minutes to get to sleep, and based on my response to the alarm (along the lines of 'yeah, yeah, OK') that was fairly close. Refreshing.

PepperThis week seems to have included fewer chin-ups (although a couple of variations did make their presence known) and more rack pulls. Why? Because they're fun.

Assorted bodyweight work.

3-finger chin-up (2 fingers + thumb) 3@bw
Total gym work
Hanging knee raise 2×20@bw
Rack pull (bottom pins, snatch grip) 2×10@60/132, 10@70/154, 10@80/176, 10@90/198

Assorted bodyweight work.

Hot, dry, smoky and without power. Bushfires nearby. Not the ideal conditions for a workout - it can wait.

Dimel dealift 4×10@60/132
SLDL 4×10@60/132, 2×10@80/176
Hanging knee raise 4×20@bw

Gorilla chin 10@bw
Rack pull (bottom pins, snatch grip) 10@60/132
Shrug 10@60/132, 10@80/176, 10@100/225, 10@120/264, 10@140/315

1.5 hand chin-up (2nd hand on wrist) 1@bw (incredibly disappointing, need to do more grip work)
Rack pull (3 holes) 2×20@60/132, 2×10@80/176, 2×10@90/198, 2×10@100/225
Suitcase deadlift (each side) 10@30/66
Shrug 10@100/225, 5@120/264

525kg Two-man Deadlift - Test articles

Two-man DeadliftGot a serious training partner? Love the deadlift? Try this [.wmv, 1.1mb].

Steve ThompsonGetStrength's Steve Thompson discusses one of the simplest - and most effective - ways to set up bands for bench training. He's chosen to use Iron Woody bands, but there really isn't a lot of difference between brands.

Having tried various setups in the rack, I have to admit that I'm more than a little keen to get the bench out (there just isn't space in the current home gym) and try something like this - looks great.

Reuben SimanuIncidentally, the NZ Bench Press recordholder Reuben Simanu (mentioned in the article) is throwing some serious weight around. Take a look at his training log.

Alternating kettlebell cleans - Test articles

Dip and switchPunch Gym’s Anthony DiLuglio demonstrates [.wmv, 2.5mb] an exercise - The Alternating Kettlebell Clean - that definitely puts a second kettlebell on the shopping list. Even a pair of light bells will get the hips nicely warmed up.

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