Results matching “Bird”

Operation Hulkout - Test articles

The Incredible HulkSticking with the hunger theme, take a look at Operation Hulkout ('You wouldn't like me when I'm hungry'), the powerlifting training log of the enigmatic 'O'. Looking at the earlier weights, that's definitely a year of solid progress.

The Condiment Packet Museum - Test articles

Ranch 1 BBQ sauceIt really doesn't take much to make me hungry.

Just noticed The Condiment Packet Museum (a collection of sachets from fast food outlets) over on Diet Blog. And I thought my own collection of sugar sachets was a bit odd.

Biphasic sleep : Day 10 - Test articles

Biphasic sleep : Day 10That extra 1.5 hours makes a difference. Although I'm still very much aware of having worked out yesterday, I feel pretty much the same as I would have prior to this experiment. Not bad at all.

Following nap

Just before I'd planned to get the usual 90 minutes' shut-eye I received a rather stressful phone call (which I terminated quite abruptly after a couple of minutes) and accordingly allowed myself a little longer to fall asleep. My usual trick worked here - by writing down the problem + proposed solution I'm able to put it out of my mind for a while, safe in the knowledge that I can easily come back to it later and the answer will already be there. It's a handy way of eliminating a lot of pre-sleep stress.

The sleep itself was deep, and I awoke feeling quite refreshed 1.5 hours later. I'm definitely starting to get used to this.

Question of Strength - Test articles

Charles PoliquinCharles Poliquin's Q & A on T-Nation is back. PRTs, ZMA and HCl supplementation. Superb stuff.

Headstone photo collection - History

David HortonDavid Horton (pictured) recently drew my attention to his own family tree site, specifically his collection of headstone photos.

An excellent resource.

Headstone photo collection - Test Area

David HortonDavid Horton (pictured) recently drew my attention to his own family tree site, specifically his collection of headstone photos.

An excellent resource.

Biphasic sleep : Day 9 - Test articles

Biphasic sleep : Day 9Following last night's abbreviated nap, I decided to increase the length of the main sleep session. I was unsure of whether to set the alarm for 6 hours or simply let me body tell me when it had had enough - which is what I elected to do. In the end I awoke naturally some 5 hours 56 minutes later. The alarm would've been safe.

Following nap

That was a heavy one - certainly a case of 'what's making that noise?' when the alarm went off. This afternoon's rack pulls probably helped a lot in that.

Speaking of the workout, I'll try the 3/4.5 thing beginning tonight (3 hours by default, 4.5 hours on workout nights) with a definite 4.5. I suspect this will aid recovery (as far as I can tell there's been no change so far) and probably help stop the inadvertent oversleeping.

Whip it, whip it good - Test articles

DevoPhysical Strategies' Tom Furman talks about a long time fascination with the whip (as a weapon). The whip was in use long before Indiana Jones, and has a bit of a cult following; there's even a sport 'whip boxing'. Great stuff.

Oh, and if you're just looking for a bit of 1980 Devo action, here's the video.

Colette Nelson interview - Test articles

Colette NelsonWith less than 2 weeks to go until this year's Olympia, IFBB Pro Colette Nelson chats to the guys [streaming .asx, other filetypes available in site's archives] over at Hard Body Radio.

This podcast covers a range of topics, from Colette's educational and nutritional background to her current work representing her sport. Also in the mix are her thoughts on the state of women's bodybuilding, her contest prep and dealing with diabetes. A good discussion.

If you're not already a regular listener of the Hard Body Radio podcast, check out some of the past issues. Always good.

Leith DarkinAn article by Leith Darkin is always worth a good read (if not several), and Making the Client Bulletproof [.pdf, 700kb] is no exception. 'Bulletproof' is actually a compilation of three articles written by Darkin over the years, and looks at the considerations for designing balanced programs for both upper and lower body training.

In this case Darkin addresses the balance within the primary push/pull exercises; a balance which must be carefully considered before specifically looking at an individual's weak points. Very interesting stuff.

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