Results matching “Bird”

Wild Winter Weekend - Test articles

Skiing at PerisherJust noticed this on the Footy Show - the Wild Winter Weekend (this weekend) at Perisher.

There are several major events over the weekend, all with associated cash prizes, including :

  • Dash for Cash (a downhill/uphill/downhill race with limited rules - winner takes all)
  • Leap for Loot (Aerial tricks)
  • Jump for Cash (competitors in fancy dress leap into a freezing pool)

Always great to watch.

Seiza me - Test articles

SeizaWith my less-than-perfect squat form in mind this week, on came the gradually increasing sessions of stretching, calf work and attempts at re-learning Seiza.

I've decided to shift Friday's training focus slightly to relearning the squat. This includes copious amounts of static stretching (primarily shins and quads), calf work and quad work. Not to mention a bit of light squatting.

Hindu squat (sumo, slow) 50@bw
Various quad stretches
Calf-raises (bodyweight only)
Seiza (off/on for 5 min periods)
Step-up (various heights, bodyweight only)
Light squatting

and repeat...

Well, the intention was certainly good. I'd planned on trying out the Inman Mile (a mile-long walk whilst carrying your bodyweight) - and readied a couple of 40kg dumbells. The yard includes a 10m uninterrupted stretch of lawn; all looked good. Until a few laps later, that is - that's all it took for my hands to tell me that my grip wasn't going to last anywhere near a mile.

A few impromptu sets of Farmers Walks it was then.

I shamefully admit that time got the better of me. After fattening up the chinning bar there was only time for a brief session :

Chin-up/bent row superset 3× 5@bw + 10@40/88

The early signs of a cold appeared, but certainly not enough to cancel the workout. Especially on a day when rack pulls were on the agenda.

Hindu squat 2×25@bw
Hanging knee raise 2×20@bw
Rack pull (3 holes - below knee, double overhand, sumo) 2×15@60/132, 2×10@100/225, 3@140/315 (grip still feeling the impact of Saturday's Farmers Walks), 10@100/225
Waiters bow 2×20@10/22
Shrug 2×10@100/225, 2×5@120/264

Still carrying a frustrating - though not particularly severe - cold, I decided to keep today's session reasonably brief. It looked something like this :

Chin-up 10,10,10 @bw
Floor press / floor press (close grip) - supersetted 10@40/88, 5@60/132
Dip 10,10,10 @bw

Taping the barThe chin-up bar that forms part of the rack - as much as I love it - was just too thin. At a diameter of around 2.5cm/1", it was one of the thinnest bars I use.

Fattening it up a little was a relatively simple (and cheap) process, involving nothing more complex than a length of pipe insulation (just rubber tubing), some super glue and a little cloth tape. If you've never used the tape, think of duct tape with fibres embedded to strengthen it a bit.

Now that's a bodyweight squatWatch this [.wmv, 22.8mb] before your next workout.

Josh Hewitt interview - Test articles

Josh HewittThe Diesel Crew's interview collection keeps on getting bigger, this time with a chat [.mp3, 7.11mb] to Toronto trainer and amateur strongman Josh Hewitt.

The Repetition Method - Test articles

Dumbbell benchFollowing last week's look at the Dynamic Method - particularly for the bench press - Jim Wendler looks at the Repetition Method and the importance of cycling both techniques into your training.

Thumb curls - Test articles

Thumb curlsIf you're anything like me, grip training seldom works the thumbs heavily. Try a few of these.

Uechi-Ryu Karate video - Test articles

Jar holding demonstrationRif points to a great video demonstrating a bit of Uechi-Ryu Karate (part II). The jar holds themselves are amazing.

Simple vs Easy - Test articles

David WhitleyDavid Whitley takes a brief look [.pdf, 243kb] at 'cellular memory', and the permanent benefit of enduring a staggeringly brutal workout.

I like the sound of the Inman mile - walking a mile whilst carrying a weight equivalent to your bodyweight. Tomorrow's going to be a long, long day.

Explosivelyfit - Test articles

Danny O'DellThe Explosivelyfit blog contains the regular writings of Washington fitness coach Danny O'Dell. For more of his articles head over to the main Explosivelyfit site.

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