Results matching “Bird”

Bring back the dumbells - Test articles

Close grippin'It's been a while since I last tried dumbbell bench pressing, and a few light sets today proved to be just as difficult as I remembered. Probably the reason for their prolonged absence - will have to do something about that.

After a bit of warming up with the dumbells, it was back to the bar for the heavier stuff: close-grip bench presses. Love them. These were partnered with a bit of dipping - primarily to keep the blood flowing around the triceps.

The dumbells were unexpectedly tiring, and the back work which finished the set was, well, somewhat lighter than usual. Looks like another solid night's sleep ahead.

Dumbell bench press 10@11.5kg, 4×8@14kg
Flat bench press (close grip) 2×10@40kg, 4×6@50kg, 2@60kg
Dip 4×10@bw
Bent-over row (reverse/underhand grip) 4×10@50kg, 2×10@60kg
Upright row 2×10@20kg, 10@30kg

Total time : far too long (probably a couple of hours - including training)

Let's twist again - Test articles

Hack squattin'Tonight we explored a couple of the less common squat variations - the Zercher and the Hack (using a barbell, not the machine). Sweat and sore elbows ensued.

I still love the Zercher squat, largely due to the completely draining nature of this lift. With the grip rarely being an issue, thighs and abs always benefit from a thorough workout. Always good.

The Hack squat becomes more of a grip concern with heavier weights, although it's a certified quad-beater up until that point. Another great lift.

Following the squatting came a little calf work, and we finished off with a few hanging knee twists to further test our already fried grips - as well as providing some much needed work for the obliques.

Zercher squat 2×10@20kg, 4×6@60kg, 2×6@75kg
Hack squat 4×6@60kg, 2×6@80kg, 6,2 @100kg
Standing calf raise 4×6@80kg, 2×6@100kg
Hanging knee twist 4×10@bw
Twisting crunch 10@bw
Total time : just over an hour

Raising the reps - Test articles

Light weight, high repsIntent on not reviving last week's shoulder pain I elected to increase the reps slightly on the today's bench press; not straying above a 6 rep max. So far, so good.

A simple upper back workout followed - including the fact that my flatmate/training partner can now add chin-ups to his routines. Seems as though Charles Poliquin's progression really does work.

Flat bench press 2×10@20kg, 8@40kg, 7@50kg, 6@60kg
Chin-up (narrow grip) 14@bw
Bent-over row 6,5 @70kg, 6,4 @60kg
Barbell shrug 10@60kg, 10@100kg, 10@120kg

Total time : 62 mins

Shouldering the blame - Test articles

Kissing the wrist againLast night's chin-up training session saw yesterday's scheduled ME BENCH workout postponed until today. Seeking a little variety, I decided to hit incline presses (at 30 degrees) as today's max exercise.

The angled setup meant that it was easier to start each rep from the pins, which were set at the base of the sternum. Unfortunately this configuration also generated some mild shoulder pain, and I elected to leave discovery of my 1RM for another session.

With the intention of solidly warming up the upper back (as well as hitting the lats) prior to a few heavier exercises I embarked on a series of assorted chin-ups. Whilst starting a set of the fantastic side-to-side chin-ups (this time with a pronated grip) I tried the other day, I was once again stopped by shoulder pain - only on the left side, and certainly not mild. Time to give it a brief rest and see what sort of pain it really is.

Inline bench press (30 deg) 2×10@20kg, 3@30kg, 3@40kg, 3@50kg
Chin-up (narrow grip) 12@bw
Chin-up (narrow grip) 3@10kg
Side-to-side chin-up (pronated, wide grip) 2

Total time : 20 mins

Teaching the chin-up - Test articles

Getting readyWith my flatmate's return from a christmas vacation it was time to start his foray into the wonderful world of the chin-up. With his initial goals as much size as strength related, chin-ups seemed like a perfect match for upper back development. A few extra inches on the biceps is a great bonus.

The progression towards complete - and strict - chin-ups began with a couple of sets of slow negatives, geting into position above the bar using a chair, which was subsequently removed.

The next phase featured me supporting his ankles whilst a complete set of chin-ups was executed, using minimal assistance from the legs. For a final set only one ankle was supported.

Shouldn't be too long before unassisted chin-ups are squeezed out on a regular basis. The dipping belt is already eyeing another victim.

Chin-up (negatives) 5@bw
Chin-up (2 ankles supported) 5@bw
Pull-up (negatives) 5@bw
Pull-up (2 ankles supported) 3@bw
Pull-up (1 ankle supported) 2@bw

Total time : about an hour

Georgina Caroline Bradfield - History

Sarah Sheehan is currently looking for any information regarding the Arthur Edward Adams descendancy of Georgina Bradfield.

Georgina Caroline Bradfield - Test Area

Sarah Sheehan is currently looking for any information regarding the Arthur Edward Adams descendancy of Georgina Bradfield.

A handful of updates - History

Several photographs of the Bird family have been identified by Darrel and Heather Bird, and can now be seen in the Bird Family Album. Let me know if you can help with any of the remaining unidentified photos.

Angela Milne Picken is seeking further information on Harriet Bird - details of her descendants are already known, but little has come to light on the life of Harriet herself.

Sarah Sheehan is looking for information regarding the descendants of Georgina Caroline Bradfield (primarily the Arthur Edward Adams line).

A handful of updates - Test Area

Several photographs of the Bird family have been identified by Darrel and Heather Bird, and can now be seen in the Bird Family Album. Let me know if you can help with any of the remaining unidentified photos.

Angela Milne Picken is seeking further information on Harriet Bird - details of her descendants are already known, but little has come to light on the life of Harriet herself.

Sarah Sheehan is looking for information regarding the descendants of Georgina Caroline Bradfield (primarily the Arthur Edward Adams line).

Harriet Bird - History

I'm currently seeking information on Harriet Bird. Information gathered to date (courtesy Angela Milne Picken):

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