Results matching “log”

UPDATE 25/04/16 : The video below was available when this post was written, but has since been removed by the user.

Apologies for that.

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Via the Diesel Crew blog : A quick video demonstration of the band setup for a dumbbell bench press. Good stuff.

Incidentally, doing push-ups using the same band setup (just upside down) is good fun. The twist stops it from accidentally hitting you in the back of the head.

Via Napalm's Corner : This is fascinating. The Science of Superhuman Strength analyses the Truck Pull; courtesy Mark Phillipi and a 26,000lb truck. Superb.

UPDATE 3/09/18 : The video below was available when this post was written, but has since been removed.

Apologies for that.

If you want to make sure you're always kept in the loop when we put new content on this site, subscribe to the RSS feed or grab the weekly Strength & Fitness Newsletter.



Via Napalm's Corner : This is fascinating. The Science of Superhuman Strength analyses the Truck Pull; courtesy Mark Phillipi and a 26,000lb truck. Superb.

Top 10 Adventure Videos - Test articles

Top 10 Adventure Videos - SttB Articles

Muay Thai : The Art of FightingVia Physical Strategies : An excellent free ebook on Thai Boxing (link in left column, front page). Superb.

Muay Thai : The Art of FightingVia Physical Strategies : An excellent free ebook on Thai Boxing (link in left column, front page). Superb.

The Perfect Home Gym - Test articles

Kim Wood's gymWhat would you have in your perfect home gym - if there were no financial or space constraints at all? Free weights, machines, kettlebells; a mix of all three perhaps? Just a large lifting platform, a bar and a pile of bumper plates?

While you think about your own idyllic workout environment, here's a look at some of the gear I'd have in mine.


The Perfect Home Gym - SttB Articles

Kim Wood's gymWhat would you have in your perfect home gym - if there were no financial or space constraints at all? Free weights, machines, kettlebells; a mix of all three perhaps? Just a large lifting platform, a bar and a pile of bumper plates?

While you think about your own idyllic workout environment, here's a look at some of the gear I'd have in mine.


Again this year, John Beatty out-did himself with the 2007 Backyard Bastard Bash Grip contest. John is the owner of Fat Bastard Barbell Company, and puts the contest on every year. John’s facility is awesome for a Grip contest. Here's my run down.

Before the contest I made sure to check out the grippers, something I did not do last year. Most of the grippers that were used were Aaron Corcorran's RGC calibrated grippers, which was excellent. You could be confident that every thing lined up the right way and extra grippers were only thrown in a couple times for things under the 3's. Like I said, I pre-squeezed the grippers lefty and decided I would start at the elites. When Aaron and Chad started out at 3.5 and SE, I knew I was not going to place first in this event. They both murdered them. I decided to start out at the middle elite, which I set and closed so quick I could feel a hard close. I was very surprised. Next, I jumped up to the 3.5. I have been getting very close on mine and decided I better go for it, in case it was a bit easier than mine. The numbers Aaron provided didn't mean much to me as I have not calibrated any of my grippers with an RGC. John said I was about 1/8th inch away. I considered trying it again, but I stayed safe instead and dropped down for the hard elite that was right below the 3.5 and I got it with a fight. Not sure where that placed me.

Next event was bending. My best beforehand was a 7-inch Edgin at Michigan, so I started out with that. I knew I couldn't be too cautious with the way Klein and Corcorran were bending. Chad also had said that he was working his ass off on grippers for the last month, but I didn't know exactly what that meant. I got the Edgin in about 19 seconds. I have really found a good wrap thickness now. My next was a 6-inch Edgin, trying to match Aaron. I should have had it but it was far too off center for me to crush down. I'll post a picture - pretty severe. I was quite pissed when I didn't finish it, because I know I could have had it. For my last bend I cut down a 6.5-inch Edgin and got that puppy, so I tied for second with 3 others on that one.

7-inch Edgin

6-inch Edgin Attempt

Next was the medley. Lots of guys had trouble with the 45-pound York. It was very slick and dusty, but i got it on the first try. I also got the baby inch with no problem. I had a pace going where I was hitting one left and then one right, which worked out good until the 172 inch. I was synced in to lift it righty and it slipped out of my hand twice. I heard doc call 10 something seconds when I set down the baby inch. I missed the 172 righty twice and then got it on the box lefty on the first try. So in hindsight I should have hit the inch lefty off the bat. Not sure I could have taken the extra step to my right to get my left hand positioned on it, grip and lift the inch and place it in time to beat Chad though. His time of 12 seconds was sickening. Unbelievable athlete he is.


Next was the 2-inch Vertical Bar. In training, my best lift was in the 230-240 range. My bar just won't take any chalk. The one at the contest took it well, and I was successful on my first attempt. Then I think I missed my next two, if I remember correctly - everything gets a little fuzzy at that point. I think I got 235 and missed 255 twice. Took a chance and it didn't pay off, I know that for sure.

Next was the axle. In training, I thought I was lifting about 335 for my best. I did not think that the axle is actually heavier than the normal bar though, so I must have miss judged it. I will eventually weigh my axle, but right now I have no scale here at my house. I took lots of good warm ups to see what I could lift quick to my knee and figured I would start in with my first pull at 375. I got that no problem and then missed 395 twice. I skipped 285 because I knew it wasn't going to do any good to lift it and thought maybe if I got 395 I could slip in between Chad and Ryan if one of them made a mistake. The strategy did me no good though, as both of them out lifted me. Ryan nearly got 450 pounds on that sucker. That is just ridiculous.

Axle Event - Miscellaneous Athletes

Finally, we did the Hercules hold. At this point I was tied for 2nd with Aaron Corcorran. I may have been tied with others as well, as I heard that later on, but I knew I was definitely tied with Aaron. Aaron pulled number one in the blond drawing at the beginning of the show, so his mark of 1:02 or so was my goal. I am confident my right hand had it for sure, but my left choked on my and the handle ripped out of my hand at the 52 second mark. I really liked the Hercules hold. Smitty and I have talked about doing that in GGC for years but we don't have a good set up for it. Maybe next year.

Hercules Hold

As always the feats following the contest were amazing. We began with flips with the 50kg Kettlebell. I got some forward flips, some back flips and some side forward flips. I tried the patented double forward flip but it was a no go. I pulled my groin on the last one so I let it go after that.

John Eaton broke out his hard scale weights and I finally figured out what I have been doing wrong on that feat. I was placing my thumb on the thumb handle last all this time, trying to pinch the two together. Finally I dug my thumb in first, wrapped my fingers last and was able to better support it and cleaned it.

Feats of Strength

I love John Beatty’s contest. I plan on going every single year. Keep your eye on and for upcoming specials for the holiday season between Diesel Crew and John’s company!

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