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Pistol Squat video - Test articles

Pistol SquatsVia Workout Routines : if Eric Cressey's recent suggestion has you thinking about single-limb movements, here are a few Pistol Squats to add to the inspiration [streaming, 1.1mb .flv download].

Pistol Squat Video - SttB Articles

UPDATE 02/01/2017 : The video below was available when this post was written, but has since been removed by the user.

Apologies for that.

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Via Workout Routines : if Eric Cressey's recent suggestion has you thinking about single-limb movements, here are a few Pistol Squats to add to the inspiration.

Indispensable lifts - Test articles

David Finley, RKC demonstrating the Pistol SquatNo matter what your lifting goals are, there are several exercises that just make sense for most people (those suffering injury or illness can be excluded for now). Squats, deadlifts, bench press and chin-ups to name a few.

Eric Cressey would like to add a few single-limb (primarily leg) exercises to that brief list. Particularly those that fall into these three categories :

  • Static Unsupported (such as Pistols and 1-leg RDLs)
  • Static Supported (such as Bulgarian Split Squats)
  • Dynamic (such as Lunges and Step-ups)

Sounds like a great plan.

Indispensable Lifts - SttB Articles

David Finley, RKC demonstrating the Pistol SquatNo matter what your lifting goals are, there are several exercises that just make sense for most people (those suffering injury or illness can be excluded for now). Squats, deadlifts, bench press and chin-ups to name a few.

Eric Cressey would like to add a few single-limb (primarily leg) exercises to that brief list. Particularly those that fall into these three categories :

  • Static Unsupported (such as Pistols and 1-leg RDLs)
  • Static Supported (such as Bulgarian Split Squats)
  • Dynamic (such as Lunges and Step-ups)

Sounds like a great plan.

The Great Pudge Off - SttB Articles

Royce Mills, beforeChristine Petty and Royce Mills are out to prove that strength does not have to equate to size. In what's been dubbed 'The Great Pudge Off '07', both are out to rid themselves of some excess baggage in fairly quick time.

The penalty for coming second? In a move reminiscent of Dan John's infamous Alpo goal-setting technique, the runner-up (I'm reluctant to use the word 'loser' here, as they both stand to gain great things) will suffer the indignity of posing in a blonde wig and skirt. Ahem.

Whilst I think I'll survive not seeing the wig/skirt photo, I'm curious as to the change in strength and strength-endurance both will see. Should be good.

The Great Pudge Off - Test articles

Royce Mills, beforeChristine Petty and Royce Mills are out to prove that strength does not have to equate to size. In what's been dubbed 'The Great Pudge Off '07', both are out to rid themselves of some excess baggage in fairly quick time.

The penalty for coming second? In a move reminiscent of Dan John's infamous Alpo goal-setting technique, the runner-up (I'm reluctant to use the word 'loser' here, as they both stand to gain great things) will suffer the indignity of posing in a blonde wig and skirt. Ahem.

Whilst I think I'll survive not seeing the wig/skirt photo, I'm curious as to the change in strength and strength-endurance both will see. Should be good.

Virtual MeetInterested in competing in a Powerlifting meet without the usual hassle of travel and entry fees? Kris has announced the next Virtual Meet - coming to a home gym near you this September.

Leave a comment on Kris' site to sign up. Should be a good one.

Virtual MeetInterested in competing in a Powerlifting meet without the usual hassle of travel and entry fees? Kris has announced the next Virtual Meet - coming to a home gym near you this September.

Leave a comment on Kris' site to sign up. Should be a good one.

Eric CresseyEric Cressey takes a very interesting look at the speed-strength requirements of cricket. Definite food for thought.

Eric CresseyEric Cressey takes a very interesting look at the speed-strength requirements of cricket. Definite food for thought.

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