The Gymchats - our weekly show about strength training - is on every Wednesday, starting at 8pm Eastern. Scroll down for full details of the next discussion.
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ready to get fit? not quite sure where to start?
A dose of Online Personal Training is ideal. Your place, their experience.
As you'd expect, I work with a number of Fitness Professionals myself - including the wonderful Josh Hewett. If you're about to begin your own strength-training journey, swing by his site at :
Highly recommended.
setting up a home gym?
If you're getting ready to put together a solid Home Gym (fantastic thing), here's how.
And for more, swing by the full guide. Absolutely free.
time for some new gear?
Ready to get started?
The Straight to the Bar Guides will help you decide what to get (and where), and how to train with it.
And if you're looking for the full list of everything we use in our own gyms, it's all here.
in the wild
It’s always great to see how other people train.
If you’d like to send in a photo of yourself in action (wearing one of the Straight to the Bar Shirts of course - the latest design is here), just upload it somewhere and send us a link. Cheers.
strength community
Love talking about fitness? Same here. Swing by Twitter for some wonderful discussion about all kinds of training & nutrition. And the occasional medical discovery.
NB : You may also like to have a peek at the 'Twitterchats' list (embedded below). And if you'd love to be on it yourself (or know of someone who should be), get in touch.
talking aboutStraight to the Bar Strength Calendar
Taking part in, helping out with or going to watch an upcoming strength competition? Tell us about it.giving
If you've been training for a while, gradually cleaning up your diet, no doubt you've experienced the amazing power of transformation. It's a tremendous feeling. If you're ready to give someone else a hand to transform their own lives - through education, sharing equipment, financial help - take a look at the full list of organisations on the Giving page. Cheers.on the blog
Welcome. Here you’ll find everything that grunts, groans and ticks in the world of strength training.
And as you'd expect, there are some incredible writers on the team here. To give you an idea, check out these posts :
DIY: How to Build an Olympic Weightlifting Platform [Kat 'The Mighty Kat' Ricker]
Beautiful.Building A Neck Of Steel [Mike 'The Machine' Bruce]
So you want a strong neck? It's actually quite simple.Straight to the Grip Contest (part II, III, IV, V and VI) [Jedd 'Napalm' Johnson] Getting ready for your first grip contest? Here's what to expect.
A Little Yoke Work : 10 Exercises for a Bigger Neck [Scott Bird]
Traps maketh the man.29 Things to do with a Barbell in the Corner [Jason Kirby]
This is absolutely superb.Get Mental! The Psychology of Strength [Josh Hewett]
The thinking side is half the challenge.Small Victories [Josh Hanagarne]
Improve what you can improve, every day.
If you enjoyed these, check out the complete 'Best Of Straight to the Bar' list. Fantastic.
Checking Out : TACFIT Commando
Looks great.TACFIT Commando is Scott Sonnon's deceptively simple bodyweight program, used with great success by a wide range of military and law enforcement personnel. Everyone from the Israeli Secret Intelligence Service to Firefighters.
Incorporating a wide range of instructional ebooks, daily journals, mission calendars and demonstration videos; this is the ideal way to learn a new set of physical skills. Regardless of your starting point.
To find out more, swing by :