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Laurel and HardyVia Maspik Teruzim : Asymmetrical Information's Jane Galt looks at the Set Point argument; promoted by (amongst others) Gina Kolata in her book Rethinking Thin. The subsequent discussion is interesting - personally I agree with Art De Vany on this one. Obesity is a complex issue, certainly, but there is nothing to support the Set Point theory.

Kelley Hinds demonstrating the Barbell SnatchThe Ice Chamber's Kelley Hinds demonstrates the Barbell Snatch. A great exercise.

Go Deep - Test articles

Go Deep - photo © 2007 Malcolm Mathie

Photo © 2007 Malcolm Mathie.

The joys of competitive open water swimmingSouthern California Aquatics is the blog of swimmer Tony Austin, who competes for the SCAQ Swim Club. Very interesting indeed.

DiggingBlaine continues this month's look at various ways of keeping in shape without really trying, this time examining the many benefits of yard work. If you've ever taken the mower for a walk, removed a tree stump or just raked up the leaves; you'll know exactly what he means.

GrowthCharles Poliquin takes a very interesting look at the benefits of overtraining. Yes, you read that right.

Hanging knee raise to elbowFrom Glasgow Parkour : a brief look at Parkour conditioning for the upper body and core [streaming, 6.9mb .flv download]. There are a couple of very interesting variations in there - particularly the Hanging knee raises to elbows (pictured). Definitely one I'll be adding to my workouts.

Sigmund Klein - Test articles

Sigmund Klein, 1930Brian Carson continues his old-time strength series with a brief look at Prussian bodybuilder Sigmund Klein. Great physique, straightforward approach.

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