Results matching “Bird”

Scott Shetler squattingCheck out the blog of personal trainer, powerlifter and kettlebell enthusiast Scott Shetler. A great blend.

Ultimate Fighting MachineThe Ultimate Fighting Machine [streaming, 1.2mb .flv download]. The home gym just got a whole lot more exciting.

Heavy step-ups - Test articles

Barbell step-upBarbell step-ups - a great way to finish a squat workout [streaming, 1.6mb .flv download].

Jessica Reynolds : photo by Chip Litherland

Photo by Chip Litherland

Via Kat Ricker : a nice piece in the New York Times discussing the rise in female weightlifting amid Florida's high schools. Great to see.

Barely Dead - Test articles

RollerbladingRollerblading exploded onto the scene in the mid '90s, and disappeared from mainstream eyes almost as fast. Barely Dead shows that the sport still has quite a large underground following; fine-tuning things for over a decade.

There are some great stunts on both the trailer [streaming, 10.4mb .flv download] and the videos at the main site.

Timeline of Karate historyJust came across this, which will undoubtedly make its way into my fitness library next month. The English translation of Hokama Tetsuhiro's 'Timeline of Karate history'. Perfect.

Backpack videos - Test articles

Locating the C7 vertebraeVia Get Outdoors : whether it's for weekend hikes or simply carting a bit of workout gear down to the local park, a good backpack's well worth the money. Backpacker Magazine has made life easier when it comes to choosing the right one, with a series of videos.

A great place to start : Measure your torso length [streaming, 6.8mb .flv download].

Podcasts for runners - Test articles

Running in the city with music : photo by Amelia PS

Photo by Amelia PS

Run to Win's Blaine Moore continues this month's collaboration on workout audio with a look at Podcasts for Runners.

As an avid podcast listener myself (my weapon of choice is still a first-generation iPod Shuffle), I'll definitely be checking these out. Of course, if you have any to add to the list, be sure to note them in the comments (either here or over on Blaine's site).

Mike Amos - Test articles

Mike AmosMike Amos started training in high school but made the same mistake many college students make, thinking that since sports where behind him, so was training. After a seven year absence from the weightroom he decided it was time to return. This time not for wrestling or football but for life and for fun. In the three years since his return he has made a remarkable number of mistakes and corrected a few of them.

Mike currently lives and trains in Baltimore, Maryland at a variety of locations. He is afforded the opportunity to train with a variety of people, equipment and techniques. He has trained and experimented with bodybuilding, powerbuilding, powerlifting, strongman, girevoy and dinosaur training. He has settled on none of them. Currently he strives to lose weight and get stronger and prefers sandbags and kettlebells to the gym. Mike has competed in strongman and the tactical strength challenge.

In 2005 Mike started a blog on which has since been moved to Anvil or Hammer.

GGG 2006 Winner: Chad WoodallVia Napalm's Corner : This year's Global Grip Challenge takes place on August 25 in Sayre, PA. Definitely looking forward to Event 5 :

Timed hold with Rolling Thunders attached to a Car Deadlift apparatus. It will be just like a farmer's hold, only the handles will be Rolling Thunders and the weights will be added to the Viking Press/Conan's Wheel apparatus.

Sounds like fun, especially if last year's competition is anything to go by.

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