Results matching “Bird”

Merry Christmas - Test articles

Santa on the parallel bars

Hope everyone has a fantastic Christmas. It's a great time of year.

Pictured is the Training for Christmas automaton featuring Santa on the parallel bars.

The setupThis is a guest post by bodybuilder, writer and weightlifting aficionado Kat 'The Mighty Kat' Ricker - DIY Hanging Handles, Psuedo "Rings". Enjoy.

For the gym that has everything, and for the space that has nothing but could become training space for a tool that gives great bang for the buck and takes up modest space: handles on chains, staple equipment for me.

sttb-tripress-chains.jpgMost exercises that involve body suspension are situated in stable structures - pull-ups, chin-ups, dips, that kind of thing. There are also bodyweight exercises situated in stable structures which could become suspension activities with the right structure - push-ups, inverse flys, scapular retraction and depression exercises.

When these exercises are performed correctly in unstable environments, the benefits are exponential. The direct demand and load are increased, plus the instability introduces new angles of force and makes new demands on both large and very small muscle groups. By nature, core strength must develop in order to perform, and overall muscular coordination must develop as well.

Enter handles hung on chains. These are more versatile than their more glamorous cousin - the rings - because they can easily be adjusted into every possibly degree of proximity to one another, and their level of suspension from the floor can easily be manipulated as well. They're not just fixed into a ceiling beam for time immemorial. You can move them as often as you like, even during a work out.

You'll need either one 6' length of chain or two 3' lengths of chain just heavy enough to support your bodyweight (which means they can be surprisingly thin, thanks to modern chain technology), four to six carabiners, and two handles.

You have some selection to decide on with handles. While they'll likely be flat rods across your palm, you can choose whether to have square, round or strap tops. I prefer the kind in which the handle rolls freely over a strap loop; they're the most unstable, lightweight, and inexpensive.

John GrimekTom points to a nice piece on champion bodybuilder John Grimek. A good read.

Videos from Monkey Bar Gym - Test articles

InchwormThe Vale Tudo blog points to a great collection of exercise videos over on the Monkey Bar Gym site. The photo is from a video demonstration of the superb Inch Worm.

Glute-Ham Raise Progressions - Test articles

Glute-Ham Raise. Image via DeFranco's Training.Mike Robertson shares a couple of brief thoughts on the progression to sets of unassisted GHRs. Definitely something to think about.

Flying Nun - Test articles

Flying Nun

Via Fight Geek : I don't know what to say. Sister Mary (of the Fraternite Notre Dame) in training. Seriously.

Nutcracker on bicycle partsVia TriBoomer : as Christmas messages go, this one's definitely... unusual. Part of Tchaikovsky's 'The Nutcracker Suite' performed on bicycle parts - courtesy the team over at Specialized Bicycle Components. Enjoy.

I can't feel my face - Test articles


Clothespin World Record Attempt (May 28, 2005) - just one of the many weird and wonderful items over on the Guinness World Records Community site. Good stuff.

AdamWe've definitely been keeping busy here at Straight to the Bar. Between bouts of last-minute Christmas shopping, the following appeared :

Mike RobertsonMike Robertson makes another appearance on The Fitcast (episode 77). A good listen.

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