That was fun.
After it reached midnight before I had a chance to do the usual monday routine, I opted to leave the workout until today. A few hours' sleep works wonders.
Intent on growing accustomed to lifting heavier weights, I chose high rack pulls as today's max exercise - this time from just above the knee. After working up to a healthy 145kg I realised that I didn't have any plates left to load onto the bar. Probably just as well; the 145 was definitely close to the limit.
The remainder of the routine consisted of regulars - Romanian deadlifts (still steadily bringing the weights back to pre-platform levels), Seated Good Mornings (always fun in a sick sort of way) and a bit of ab work.
Rack pull 2×5@40kg,
Romanian deadlift 4×6@77.5kg
Good Morning (seated) 4×6@32.5kg
Hanging knee raise 4×10@bw
V-up 4×10@bw
Total time : 50 mins