It's a sunny Labour Day here, which means that nearly everything is closed and I finally had an opportunity to catch up with Eric Cressey's latest piece on T-Nation, 13 Tips for mighty elbows and wrists.
If you read Jim Wendler's recent article Casting your wrists you may recall the opening paragraph :
When I started using a bench shirt, I miraculously gained 150 lbs on my bench. No practice, no technique work, nothing. That is the magic of these cheater shirts—you automatically “get it.” Anyway, with this increase in bar weight, my wrists were taking a beating and I needed some help. This is where I was bestowed with this knowledge, which I am now giving to you.
If that's a familiar feeling (suddenly asking your wrists to do a lot more work), Eric's article is definitely for you. It's far more wide-ranging than I'd anticipated, and the section on 'checking your workstation' was certainly food for thought. Heavy benching with chains and correct keyboard use in one article? Perfect.