Lift News - a regular look at health and fitness from producer, photographer and health club owner Tanya Ryno. A great read.
Results matching “Bird”
Bloody Dove has a tutorial up on that action-movie favourite - the 540 Kick. Good fun.
Piedmont Design Associates (manufacturers of such things as Fractional Plates) has a number of incredibly inventive ideas which never make it all the way to the gym floor. Take a look.
I love coming across new exercises, or re-discovering older ones. Yesterday I watched an old show on Jackie Chan's stunt training, and noticed a push-up variation that doesn't seem to get much attention : the Reaching Push-up (pictured). Simply move your hands out in front of your body and perform push-ups as normal.
As with the ab rollout (if using the full ROM), this push-up variation places more stress on the lower back; whilst giving the abs and shoulders a little more to think about. Very unusual.
The one and only Bill Kazmaier.
Tom Furman points to an excellent resource over on the Ross Training Forums. If combat's your thing, you'll love this (the Judo animations are superb).
Tactical Athlete's Jeff Martone dusts off a great kettlebell or dumbbell exercise - the Strongman Swing. Looks fantastic.
Via Viking Heavy Athletics : Bobsledder and Weightlifter Ingrid Marcum.
For me, the humble kettlebell swing is usually part of a warmup (especially for squats and sumo deads). A recent post by Dustin Silveri has me considering its potential for strength endurance - just how many swings can you knock off in one hour?
500? 1,000? 1,600 (Tracy, you're incredible)
NB : If you're new to the swing, this clip [streaming, 4.2mb .flv download] by Lisa Schaffer will show you how. If you don't have a kettlebell handy, use a dumbbell. It's a great exercise.
Via Anvil or Hammer : The Training Syndicate just keeps on growing. The latest addition is Anthony (pictured here with workout partner Jonathon and the start of a great outdoor gym setup), over at All or None. Pop over and say hello.