Results matching “Bird”

Anthony DiLuglioThis is a great variation of the classic Figure 8 move. After passing the bell around one leg, snap the hips and pull it to shoulder height on the opposite side. Lower it, and repeat on the opposite side. Anthony DiLuglio's video [.wmv, 5.5mb] demonstrates this beautifully.

Mark Webber Challenge - Test articles

Mark WebberFormula 1 fans will already be familiar with Australian driver Mark Webber. Perhaps less well-known is the Mark Webber Pure Tasmania Challenge, a race through some breathtakingly beautiful Tasmanian Landscapes.

The Challenge is a 'six-day adventure race combining cross-country trekking, mountain biking, road cycling and kayaking', commencing November 5 2006. Proceeds from the event help the Victorian TLC For Kids and Cancer Council Tasmania's Cancer Plus programs.

NappingI've always been far more interested in sleep quality than quantity, and the latest article by Dave Barr on T-Nation definitely caught my attention.

Dave provides several tips for improving the quality of your sleep, but perhaps more interesting are some of the resources mentioned in the article. These include :

Bedtime Story : John Berardi
Berardi looks at the many nighttime protein powders on the market.

Stop the Catabolic Insanity : Dave Barr
Another look into late night snacks and nocturnal feedings. Currently I occasionally leave a whey + milk shake by the bed overnight, and drink that if/when I wake up in the middle of it. It sounds as though this occasionally should be regularly.

According to the article, strength coach Nick Polasek states that

You want to have your drink right beside the bed, fall asleep, only to wake up 8 hours later to discover your drink container empty.

Sounds perfect - automatic drinking.

Also worthy of further investigation is the tip on napping. I realise that the idea of 'power napping' has both loyal followers and ardent skeptics, but I'm yet to see any firm data either way. Still, I do like the occasional (time permitting) brief nap once I've reached near-total exhaustion. 15-20 minutes seems to do the trick.

Legacy now in Danish - History

Legacy Family Tree softwareWith the latest update of Legacy 6 comes a feature that may just come in handy here - Danish Language Support. Excellent.

Legacy now in Danish - Test Area

Legacy Family Tree softwareWith the latest update of Legacy 6 comes a feature that may just come in handy here - Danish Language Support. Excellent.

SquatFascinating article. Navy Pilot Jack Reape talks about his efforts to bring the WSB and Eastern Bloc programs closer together - despite initial appearances, there's enough scope for plenty of overlap.

Jack's training throughout 2005 and up to - and including - meets in 2006 are testament to that.

DC TrainingJust came across a couple of interesting blogs :

Physical Strategies - Tom Furman. A fairly eclectic fitness and health mix.

All about Doggcrapp and DC Training - Doggcrapp. The title says it all.

Using a foam roller - Test articles

Foam rollerJust came across a great resource via Rif's blog on Self-Myofascial Techniques; specifically ways to use a foam roller. One to keep.

While you're on the Seal Quest site, take a look at their blog. Another great addition.

High pullIron Sport Gym's Jeff Fiss discusses a few of the exercises he's picked up from Olympic Lifter Jim Rutter that have been helping his deadlift. Might just try a few of them.

Wild Winter Weekend - Test articles

Skiing at PerisherJust noticed this on the Footy Show - the Wild Winter Weekend (this weekend) at Perisher.

There are several major events over the weekend, all with associated cash prizes, including :

  • Dash for Cash (a downhill/uphill/downhill race with limited rules - winner takes all)
  • Leap for Loot (Aerial tricks)
  • Jump for Cash (competitors in fancy dress leap into a freezing pool)

Always great to watch.

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