Strongman Dave Ostland chats to Chasing Kaz's Ben Hanson on his recent WSM Super Series win, and the new points system that accompanied it. Changes or not - it was a great win.
Results matching “Bird”
Via Digg : I'm in two minds over this one. According to figures from the International Health, Racquet and Sportsclub Association (the largest of its type in the US) almost 1 million children aged 6-17 are using the services of personal trainers. This equates to roughly 13% of the trainers' clientele.
It's great to see these children keeping fit; but surely the basics of this should be promoted in schools? 1 million fit children is excellent; seeing all school-age children fit would be fantastic.
The Natural Bodybuilding Principles blog points to two great articles by Matt Danielsson concerning supplementation for bodybuilders. This quote neatly sums up Matt's view (and my own) on the subject :
Hard training and good food will take you 90% of the way. People got buff 50 years ago, before the supplement market was a gazillion-dollar industry.
As a reformed supplement junkie, this is very interesting reading.
A question over on the Former Fat Guy blog started me thinking - what is the best way to train when there's a new baby in the family (limiting time, rest and generally changing things around - in a great way, of course)? I'd love to hear your ideas; especially if you're about to be a parent for the second time (Kris, I'm definitely looking in your direction). What works? What would you do differently?
If you've been holding on for some more climbing videos, try the latest work from the guys at Piton Productions over at Urban Climber. And if you're intrigued by aerial photography (great for this type of sport), make sure you check out their blog. Superb.
Regardless of your thoughts on the problems associated with obesity, this is surely a positive step. Calgary paramedics are now driving the first ambulance designed to carry heavier patients (anywhere from 400 lb to 1,000 lb) safely to their destination. If you're in need of urgent medical treatment, you certainly don't want to be wondering how you're going to get to the hospital.
A great move.
One of the many tactics employed by the 'Health Colonel', Lt. Col. Bob Weinstein.
The Whey Consortium's Steve 'Mobster' Gardener juggling the baby Inch dumbbell [streaming, 1mb .flv download].
There are some very interesting grip exercise ideas on the promo video for the Grip Dominator II, over at Into Combat (an excellent site - well worth a look around). Wheels are definitely turning.
Via SCAQ : Bode Miller at work. One of photographer Simon Bruty's favourite shots - a great collection.