Results matching “Bird”

From the archives - Test articles

Nap in the sunA recent Elite FTS newsletter reminded me that a site's archives are often filled with juicy goodness, and Straight to the Bar is no exception. Here are just a few of the highlights from the past 2.5 years :

  • 30 days of biphasic sleep
    This is the post which began the switch to a biphasic sleep routine. If you want to find out more on the switch, check out the 30 day and 2 month summaries. For some resources on this great sleeping methodology, look no further than Biphasic Sleep Resources.
  • DIY: Home-made gym equipment
    If you're anything like me, spending several hours in a hardware store isn't exactly difficult. This post lists a number of resources on transforming the contents of said stores into great gym equipment.
  • Zottman, Hackenshmidt and Maxalding
    No longer here, but still teaching. Along with several other old-time strongmen, and all those who follow in their paths. Superb.
  • I love the smell of coffee in the morning
    Over the years my caffeine intake has been up and down, and the 'up' part of that is largely due to coffee consumption. More recently, however, I've been adding a little white tea to the mix.
  • Bruce Lee's back injury
    As a long-time Bruce Lee fan, finding out the cause, treatment and subsequent effects of this infamous injury was fascinating. If you've ever seen one of his films, read a biography or seen him in action, chances are that you'll appreciate just how big an event this was.

Grab your favourite beverage, sit back and enjoy.

How to relax your muscles - Test articles

RelaxJust came across this via Alexander Becker : How to relax your muscles. Very interesting (and after yesterday's deadlifts, timely).

Thomas KurzThomas Kurz continues (part 1, part 2) his 'Principles of Training' series in his regular column on Great reading.

TGIF : weekly round-up - Test articles

Derek Boyer by Jules BoagThis week on Straight to the Bar :

A Spartan workout - Test articles

Sprinting for kettlebellBased on Frank Miller's graphic novel, the movie 300 (trailers) looks set to be a great one (and speaking as someone who is rarely inspired by that film genre, that's saying something). Of particular interest at the moment - especially as the movie isn't due to be released until next year - is the intense physical training of everyone included in the massive fight scenes; including the extras.

For a bit of inspiration and some great training ideas (the restricted sprints look superb), check out the video [streaming, 6mb .flv download via KeepVid]. Excellent.

The Dirty Dozen - Test articles

Push-upIf you're looking for a bit of variety in your bodyweight work, take a look through the Dirty Dozen from Fuerza Sport's Ian Edgar. Some great ideas in there.

Derek Boyer - Test articles

Derek Boyer by Jules BoagMeet Australian strongman Derek Boyer. At the 18th Winton Outback Festival he set a new world record for truck pulling, by shifting a 70 tonne road train 5 metres (video [.mov, 6.2mb]).

The Daily Plate - Test articles

The Daily PlateIf you're looking for an alternative to FitDay, take a wander over to The Daily Plate. My only gripe so far is their maximum daily recordable water consumption of 8 glasses (hey, it gets hot here). Other than that, it's all good.

The Amazing Forearm Jack - Test articles

Jacked forearmsClassic Dave Tate. Hilarious.

Going deeper in the squat - Test articles

Jack Reape squattingJack Reape has a great article on increasing squat depth - no matter which Powerlifting federation you favour. Amid the great advice is this :

I highly recommend a drill that my friend Pavel Tsatsouline teaches in his Strength Stretching video. It’s a squat performed facing the wall and should be done in front of a mirror, preferably in the cardio section of your favorite gym. Face the mirror with your toes an inch or two away from the wall in a wider than normal stance. Stick your butt back and your knees out and lower yourself as deep as you can go. Hold your hands out to the sides with your palms up to keep your sternum up as in the normal squat.

I like this one; though I'm at least spared the pain of having a full-length mirror in the home gym. Luckily a blank wall does the trick admirably.

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