Results matching “Bird”

AbsThe Masters' Performance blog notes an interesting study by a team at Indiana State University; looking at the correlation between core strength and athletic performance. Their findings - perhaps surprisingly - indicate that for many sports, core strength does not have a significant impact on performance.

Very interesting.

Training at hand - Test articles

Combat training with pugil sticks at Fort JacksonPhysical Strategies points to a great piece by Staff Sgt. Paul McCully, showing the real value of combative training. Excellent reading.

Hockey Deadlift - Test articles

Hockey DeadliftRecently on the Virtual Meet forums, James Santi mentioned the Hockey Deadlift. After watching the video [streaming, 1.4mb .flv download] I was left scratching my head; I'd seen a similar exercise before, but not with that name.

As many long-term readers of Under the Bar will recall, Kris mentioned the dumbbell equivalent (*) after coming across it in Bill Pearl's excellent work, Keys to the Inner Universe. If you can get your hands on a copy, it's a good read.

Regardless of the name, it's definitely a great exercise.

* In the dumbbell version, the weight is lowered three times; left, middle and right. The Hockey Deadlift version appears to omit the middle.

Josef SteinbachIt's been an obscenely busy week here at Straight to the Bar. Amid the mayhem, the following made their way onto the site :

George Jowett ad - Test articles


George Jowett ad in Science and Mechanics, Dec 1945.

Bacon-flavoured toothpicksPerhaps not the greatest thing for encouraging clean eating, but definitely one of the strangest - bacon-flavoured toothpicks.

KB laterals - Test articles

KB lateralsVia the Diesel Crew blog : Smitty explains just why kettlebells and dumbbells feel different when doing lateral raises.

Overhead Support - Test articles

Overhead SupportA great supplementary exercise for the Jerk - the Overhead Support [streaming, 1.8mb .flv download].

Contents of Mike's gym bagMike over at Anvil or Hammer points to a great competition by's Kris Lindqvist on the Virtual Meet site. Short version - photograph the contents of your gym bag and win a VM t-shirt. Superb.

Sochi in 2014 - Test articles

US speed skater Shani DavisRussia's definitely on my travel destination shortlist; having narrowly missed it several times. 2014 now seems like the perfect time to go.

More specifically, the resort town of Sochi - which has just been named the official host of the 2014 Winter Olympics. Should be great.

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